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Cavan Hurling

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What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland

emerald79 (Kilkenny) - Posts: 60 - 15/04/2017 10:08:40    1979509


With all due respect to the tremendous game of hurling, this is a waste of time and very limited resources. The interest just isn't there from the Cavan people.

Just my opinion.

Ned_Stormcrow (Cavan) - Posts: 1071 - 15/04/2017 10:33:27    1979512


Replying To emerald79:  "What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland"
What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland
emerald79 (Kilkenny) - Posts:27 - 15/04/2017 10:08:40 1979509

You are joking and thats from a person that loves the game of Hurling RESPECT for the game and what it stands for.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 15/04/2017 10:52:55    1979514


I heard the interest from players wasn't huge and management were short on bodies for training sessions. Just what I heard so open to correction.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 15/04/2017 19:19:15    1979682


Replying To emerald79:  "What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland"
What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland
emerald79 (Kilkenny) - Posts:29 - 15/04/2017 10:08:40 1979509

I expect you got your answer today. The oldest player on the pitch was Cavan's corner forward going on 43 years. Looking at the team I think only two of the minor team from a few years back were on the team. So much for a new crop of player's. ????

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 22/04/2017 20:38:34    1981759


Replying To seanorinn:  "What can we expect from this new crop of players as they prepare to take the Breffni Blue back onto the hurling fields of Ireland,its great to see ,would it not have made sense to have started in the national leagues, I found it strange that they waited until the championship before returning nonetheless I hope in the absence years that some progress was made with underage & development of Ireland's greatest game ,long live hurling ,JEWEL in the Crown of Ireland
emerald79 (Kilkenny) - Posts:29 - 15/04/2017 10:08:40 1979509

I expect you got your answer today. The oldest player on the pitch was Cavan's corner forward going on 43 years. Looking at the team I think only two of the minor team from a few years back were on the team. So much for a new crop of player's. ????"
That should have read Cavan's corner back not corner forward.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 22/04/2017 21:48:13    1981774


Message to the county board:

Just give up on hurling.

End of story.

Kindest regards,

Ned of House Stormcrow.

Ned_Stormcrow (Cavan) - Posts: 1071 - 23/04/2017 11:08:29    1981834


its not all doom and gloom for hurling...Cavan had a very successful hurling team in the 80s, they won an Ulster Championship and a National League Title. All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.

Take the hurling strongholds of Clare & Tipperary, look what their footballers have achieved....they are now as competitive as the supposed footballing stronghold of Cavan!!!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 25/04/2017 09:28:26    1982432


Replying To cavanblueman:  "its not all doom and gloom for hurling...Cavan had a very successful hurling team in the 80s, they won an Ulster Championship and a National League Title. All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.

Take the hurling strongholds of Clare & Tipperary, look what their footballers have achieved....they are now as competitive as the supposed footballing stronghold of Cavan!!!"
ts not all doom and gloom for hurling...Cavan had a very successful hurling team in the 80s, they won an Ulster Championship and a National League Title. All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.

Take the hurling strongholds of Clare & Tipperary, look what their footballers have achieved....they are now as competitive as the supposed footballing stronghold of Cavan!!!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts:99 - 25/04/2017 09:28:26 1982432

In the 80s you say I must try and get hold of the team for the majority of them were soldiers a few Garda a couple of locals. PJ Kelly Martin Butler P Walsh D Gardiner just to name a few. Those day's are gone now never to be seen again. You say All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.
There is not a pigs chance in hell the way things are going with hurling here in Cavan that it will ever take off unfortunately for it's the real game to watch in any GAA calendar but this you only see from the Munster teams and the Leinster teams of course you have Galway after that forget it.
I prefer the game of hurling so I would love to agree with you but it will never happen in my life time will you see an Ulster team winning an All Ireland.
Take for example the game Saturday Warwickshire were a joy to watch full of character and by far superior to Cavan. The sad thing to say only for they Warwickshire took of the big guns the score line would have been far worse.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 25/04/2017 10:02:40    1982451


Replying To seanorinn:  "ts not all doom and gloom for hurling...Cavan had a very successful hurling team in the 80s, they won an Ulster Championship and a National League Title. All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.

Take the hurling strongholds of Clare & Tipperary, look what their footballers have achieved....they are now as competitive as the supposed footballing stronghold of Cavan!!!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts:99 - 25/04/2017 09:28:26 1982432

In the 80s you say I must try and get hold of the team for the majority of them were soldiers a few Garda a couple of locals. PJ Kelly Martin Butler P Walsh D Gardiner just to name a few. Those day's are gone now never to be seen again. You say All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.
There is not a pigs chance in hell the way things are going with hurling here in Cavan that it will ever take off unfortunately for it's the real game to watch in any GAA calendar but this you only see from the Munster teams and the Leinster teams of course you have Galway after that forget it.
I prefer the game of hurling so I would love to agree with you but it will never happen in my life time will you see an Ulster team winning an All Ireland.
Take for example the game Saturday Warwickshire were a joy to watch full of character and by far superior to Cavan. The sad thing to say only for they Warwickshire took of the big guns the score line would have been far worse."
Yes but If you had a team of all Warwickshire-born players it would be different. I mean some of those Warwickshire players were from Hurling strongholds. I know what you are saying, if we are getting hammered by the second worst team that competes what chance have we got. But what is the alternative, just give up ? . The situation with Kilkenny football is totally different. Football is played exstensively in Kilkenny at all levels But there is no appetite for inter-county football as Hurling will always take the dual players and there is no financial backing. In Cavan There just is no recent tradition. There are people working with underage players in the county but they don't seem to get much respect or backing.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 25/04/2017 13:05:05    1982512


Replying To s goldrick:  "
Replying To seanorinn:  "ts not all doom and gloom for hurling...Cavan had a very successful hurling team in the 80s, they won an Ulster Championship and a National League Title. All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.

Take the hurling strongholds of Clare & Tipperary, look what their footballers have achieved....they are now as competitive as the supposed footballing stronghold of Cavan!!!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts:99 - 25/04/2017 09:28:26 1982432

In the 80s you say I must try and get hold of the team for the majority of them were soldiers a few Garda a couple of locals. PJ Kelly Martin Butler P Walsh D Gardiner just to name a few. Those day's are gone now never to be seen again. You say All it needs is a bit of effort and commitment and support.
There is not a pigs chance in hell the way things are going with hurling here in Cavan that it will ever take off unfortunately for it's the real game to watch in any GAA calendar but this you only see from the Munster teams and the Leinster teams of course you have Galway after that forget it.
I prefer the game of hurling so I would love to agree with you but it will never happen in my life time will you see an Ulster team winning an All Ireland.
Take for example the game Saturday Warwickshire were a joy to watch full of character and by far superior to Cavan. The sad thing to say only for they Warwickshire took of the big guns the score line would have been far worse."
Yes but If you had a team of all Warwickshire-born players it would be different. I mean some of those Warwickshire players were from Hurling strongholds. I know what you are saying, if we are getting hammered by the second worst team that competes what chance have we got. But what is the alternative, just give up ? . The situation with Kilkenny football is totally different. Football is played exstensively in Kilkenny at all levels But there is no appetite for inter-county football as Hurling will always take the dual players and there is no financial backing. In Cavan There just is no recent tradition. There are people working with underage players in the county but they don't seem to get much respect or backing."
Post Reply Link 0 0
Respect or backing I have to disagree with you here but we will not go into details.
Tom Reilly had the right idea and that was to get at least ten clubs competing once that was established you could then start working on all age level's up to and including senior level. When Tom suggested this and disbanded the senior hurling county board hurling has even gone back further sadly for we no longer have Ballymachue what players they have now play with St Phelims. So that leaves with Cootehill Mullahoran and St Phelims so whats the point in trying to promote the game when sadly only a couple of hundred want it, There was 100 supporters at the match last Saturday many of them came from Warwickshire they made a weekend of it also a few parents from Cork Galway and Tipperary. THere was a chance here to show the powers that be they want hurling but they did not turn up. Remember funding is a major issue and unless hurling tries to support itself you cannot expect the football county board to keep shoveling money into an empty pit.
It was a joy to watch talented hurlers playing I know many are exiles but they want to keep our great game alive thats what we want isn't it.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 25/04/2017 13:39:29    1982528


John, you said what's the point if only a couple of hundred people want it. I think that's exactly the point. The Gaa was founded to make athletics more accessible to the masses and to nurture our traditions and traditional sports. So if Cavan people want to play hurling for there county I don't believe anyone should stop them. It's a national thing to be able to play your traditional sports and we should encourage all children to take up all Gaa be it Football, Hurling or Handball if they like one more than the other that's no problem but they should always have choices. The result the other day was to be expected. The favourites to win the Lory Meagher beat a team playing it's first competitive game in a number of years. I was at the game Cavan changed there line out at half time which greatly strengthen the team. Watson was taken off but apart from that Warickshire subs were as good as the lads that started. A number of Warickshire players opted out of the Galway senior hurling panel this year to work in England. Last I seen Galway hurlers are doing pretty ok. So Warickshire are in a great place Cavan are building. When the season is dust. Everyone will have a clearer picture of where things are at. I hope people don't expect silverware unreal expectations are a constant on the Cavan message board. It seems to be a place where people come to say everything is wrong with Cavan Gaa. I genuinely believe all involved in Cavan Gaa only want all there teams to do well and the decisions they take are best served to bring success to all teams.

thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts: 11 - 26/04/2017 14:03:11    1982880


Replying To thetruthforonce:  "John, you said what's the point if only a couple of hundred people want it. I think that's exactly the point. The Gaa was founded to make athletics more accessible to the masses and to nurture our traditions and traditional sports. So if Cavan people want to play hurling for there county I don't believe anyone should stop them. It's a national thing to be able to play your traditional sports and we should encourage all children to take up all Gaa be it Football, Hurling or Handball if they like one more than the other that's no problem but they should always have choices. The result the other day was to be expected. The favourites to win the Lory Meagher beat a team playing it's first competitive game in a number of years. I was at the game Cavan changed there line out at half time which greatly strengthen the team. Watson was taken off but apart from that Warickshire subs were as good as the lads that started. A number of Warickshire players opted out of the Galway senior hurling panel this year to work in England. Last I seen Galway hurlers are doing pretty ok. So Warickshire are in a great place Cavan are building. When the season is dust. Everyone will have a clearer picture of where things are at. I hope people don't expect silverware unreal expectations are a constant on the Cavan message board. It seems to be a place where people come to say everything is wrong with Cavan Gaa. I genuinely believe all involved in Cavan Gaa only want all there teams to do well and the decisions they take are best served to bring success to all teams."
thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts:5 - 26/04/2017 14:03:11 1982880

Yes quality players on the Warwickshire team sheet for sure and you will see I acknowledged this. Do you want Cavan to be the same or do you want Cavan to play with Cavan player's and try and progress otherwise forget it as I am sure they are costing a lot to keep on the road??? Warwickshire took their foot off the pedal and when Cavan finally got a goal one would have thought they had won the match twenty points beating. Is this what it's about I don't think so. I could only find two players from the Cavan minor team of a few years ago I think that kind of speaks for itself don't you think. I suppose Cavan must be favorites to beat Leitrim are they???.
Did you look at the Cavan team.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 26/04/2017 16:49:43    1982944


I don't understand your need to have a go in every message about the event. Cavan got a goal a big cheer happened. Regardless of the score it was there first goal in 5 years of championship hurling, the few mins. prior to that they had a number of good chances saved or wide. So I'm guessing it was relief. You are the first to point out and defend the new football management if anyone has a go at them. If you could look at all your posts here on this topic. You have had little digs at the hurling team in each one. Your right only two of the minor team of a few years a go started the game on Saturday. I also know from reading the celt management said the panel was open up to recently so it was obviously those players choices why they didn't play. Would they have started though is another question. I'm sure the management picked the team on merit. Are they favourites against Leitrim absolutely not. They have played one competitive game in 5 years and are facing a team that has played the national league and championship the last 5 years. So Leitrim know more about there players than I'm guessing Cavan do about there team. I watched last years county final. It was a poor standard of hurling. I don't think anyone would argue otherwise. I bet though this year will be better just by the fact the core players for each team involved will have played regularly hurling all year round that has to count for something. It's small steps at making the game better. Each one counts. Stay positive John Cavan playing hurling again is a good thing. If your looking for positives all 3 hurling clubs were represented. The Cavan Team finished strong. They have the hardest match over and done with. There were 26 players named and togged. Dinny Cahill has stuck with the team. Dinny as you know both won all Irelands as a player and managed club teams to all Ireland club success. If he didn't think it was worth his while he wouldn't be making the commitment as he owes nothing to Cavan. So that's another positive the Cavan people must be doing something right to keep him coming back. We need more honesty and positivity on these boards. Whether it be hurling or football a huge amount of people volunteer there time to Cavan Gaa be it Club or County and everything shouldn't be about putting them down. If posters have issues. I really believe they should also be posting solutions.

thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts: 11 - 26/04/2017 17:27:36    1982955


Great to see the County hurlers back playing again... they had a tough opener but scoreing 1-14 was a positive and hopefully they can take something from the game... Keep it going lads and when your first win arrives the hard work will be all worth while...!!!

Sean.66 (Cavan) - Posts: 293 - 26/04/2017 18:03:24    1982970


Replying To thetruthforonce:  "I don't understand your need to have a go in every message about the event. Cavan got a goal a big cheer happened. Regardless of the score it was there first goal in 5 years of championship hurling, the few mins. prior to that they had a number of good chances saved or wide. So I'm guessing it was relief. You are the first to point out and defend the new football management if anyone has a go at them. If you could look at all your posts here on this topic. You have had little digs at the hurling team in each one. Your right only two of the minor team of a few years a go started the game on Saturday. I also know from reading the celt management said the panel was open up to recently so it was obviously those players choices why they didn't play. Would they have started though is another question. I'm sure the management picked the team on merit. Are they favourites against Leitrim absolutely not. They have played one competitive game in 5 years and are facing a team that has played the national league and championship the last 5 years. So Leitrim know more about there players than I'm guessing Cavan do about there team. I watched last years county final. It was a poor standard of hurling. I don't think anyone would argue otherwise. I bet though this year will be better just by the fact the core players for each team involved will have played regularly hurling all year round that has to count for something. It's small steps at making the game better. Each one counts. Stay positive John Cavan playing hurling again is a good thing. If your looking for positives all 3 hurling clubs were represented. The Cavan Team finished strong. They have the hardest match over and done with. There were 26 players named and togged. Dinny Cahill has stuck with the team. Dinny as you know both won all Irelands as a player and managed club teams to all Ireland club success. If he didn't think it was worth his while he wouldn't be making the commitment as he owes nothing to Cavan. So that's another positive the Cavan people must be doing something right to keep him coming back. We need more honesty and positivity on these boards. Whether it be hurling or football a huge amount of people volunteer there time to Cavan Gaa be it Club or County and everything shouldn't be about putting them down. If posters have issues. I really believe they should also be posting solutions."
If posters have issues. I really believe they should also be posting solutions.

thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts:6 - 26/04/2017 17:27:36 1982955
I make no apology for my posts about what has to be the best game in the world.
It will never be a success it's that simple here in Cavan and surrounding counties.
Why invest in something that is going to do nothing for your county.
Don't get me wrong I love the game of hurling and yes last years county final was a perfect example of how bad the standards are and then the winners lose on an objection and went on to perform well best to keep that to ourselves.
Those leading the pack for hurling here in Cavan are carrying a bigger monkey on their back than Davy Fitz and thats big..

If you intend to improve the game let's learn how to tie your bootlaces first and then tiny steps going forward, how long will that take well it depends on how many clubs buy into it so far three. To be a success you need to have a minimum of ten senior clubs that want the game to be a success and not make up numbers for the sake of it. How many clubs will leave Wednesday's free for hurling will you let me know please. ??

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 26/04/2017 18:39:36    1982978


Replying To seanorinn:  "If posters have issues. I really believe they should also be posting solutions.

thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts:6 - 26/04/2017 17:27:36 1982955
I make no apology for my posts about what has to be the best game in the world.
It will never be a success it's that simple here in Cavan and surrounding counties.
Why invest in something that is going to do nothing for your county.
Don't get me wrong I love the game of hurling and yes last years county final was a perfect example of how bad the standards are and then the winners lose on an objection and went on to perform well best to keep that to ourselves.
Those leading the pack for hurling here in Cavan are carrying a bigger monkey on their back than Davy Fitz and thats big..

If you intend to improve the game let's learn how to tie your bootlaces first and then tiny steps going forward, how long will that take well it depends on how many clubs buy into it so far three. To be a success you need to have a minimum of ten senior clubs that want the game to be a success and not make up numbers for the sake of it. How many clubs will leave Wednesday's free for hurling will you let me know please. ??"
Not sure what your problem is. there must be some history which leaves you so bitter.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 27/04/2017 13:12:54    1983123


Replying To s goldrick:  "Not sure what your problem is. there must be some history which leaves you so bitter."
You don't know the half of it S Goldrick yes you don't.

Leitrim 1-20 Cavan 0-12, Pairc Sean Mac Diarmada - FT
Warwickshire 2-20 Sligo 2-9, Páirc na hEireann - FT
Lancashire 2-22 Fermanagh 0-15, Old Bedians, Manchester - FT

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 29/04/2017 16:27:04    1983480


How many NON Cavan club players are on the squad

I heard there's a few Dubs and Westmeath lads

valley84 (Westmeath) - Posts: 1890 - 30/04/2017 11:02:39    1983572


One outsider played against Leitrim. D Cahill lined out at mid field Tipperary based player. A Cavan native transferred from a Cavan club to a Westmeath club last year but has come back to play county hurling with Cavan. So not many outsiders to be fair. Against Warwickshire A Cuala player started and one came one so 3 played that day. As the Cavan player based in Westmeath didn't play.

thetruthforonce (Cavan) - Posts: 11 - 02/05/2017 14:53:43    1983971
