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Cavan v Monaghan

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Listen lads Monaghan won by the skin of there teeth and there are one of the top six teams in the country. Remember we nearly pulled off a draw.
I remember when teams like Limerick and Waterford coming to Breffni and beating Cavan. So we are not that bad. I would be more worry about the minors.

CavanMike (Cavan) - Posts: 16 - 11/06/2017 20:32:23    1998089


Replying To CavanMike:  "Listen lads Monaghan won by the skin of there teeth and there are one of the top six teams in the country. Remember we nearly pulled off a draw.
I remember when teams like Limerick and Waterford coming to Breffni and beating Cavan. So we are not that bad. I would be more worry about the minors."
That was the under 17 final. And that first game was extremely disappointing. One of the poorest underage performances for a while on that ground. Dismal start to the day.

blueskies (Cavan) - Posts: 194 - 11/06/2017 20:43:29    1998099


That's not much to go on Mike. There is lots of mediocre county teams. Monaghan are a good bit off Dublin or Kerry.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2791 - 11/06/2017 20:48:58    1998104


Replying To FoolsGold:  "That's not much to go on Mike. There is lots of mediocre county teams. Monaghan are a good bit off Dublin or Kerry."
We are a good bit off Monaghan. They didn't get out of second gear and still beat us kicking 15 wides.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 11/06/2017 21:14:10    1998133


Cavan shouldn't be satisfied running them to 3 pts, regardless . . 2013 and 15 it was a 1 point defeat

There was only 5 starters today from the 2015 game. Too big a turnover of players. Monaghan don't seem to have this problem. Givney, Keating, should be in their prime.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2791 - 11/06/2017 21:32:19    1998138


Replying To FoolsGold:  "That's not much to go on Mike. There is lots of mediocre county teams. Monaghan are a good bit off Dublin or Kerry."
Monaghan have run Kerry and Dublin to close games the last couple of years, we are below but not a great amount, when you can win on the day, you are not that much worse.

Iamlegion666 (Monaghan) - Posts: 285 - 11/06/2017 21:47:41    1998149


True, but that was League. Monaghan have yet to get past the Quarter finals in Championship. A good team, but not with Dublin or Kerry yet.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2791 - 11/06/2017 21:52:01    1998152


Replying To FoolsGold:  "True, but that was League. Monaghan have yet to get past the Quarter finals in Championship. A good team, but not with Dublin or Kerry yet."
Forgive us, its all Tyrone's fault, lol.

Iamlegion666 (Monaghan) - Posts: 285 - 11/06/2017 22:13:09    1998168


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Cavan shouldn't be satisfied running them to 3 pts, regardless . . 2013 and 15 it was a 1 point defeat

There was only 5 starters today from the 2015 game. Too big a turnover of players. Monaghan don't seem to have this problem. Givney, Keating, should be in their prime."
At last someone who is actually dealing with the reality of the situation. Keating is a huge miss to Cavan and his influence has not been replaced, Him, Giveny, Mc Veety and Argue wold provide the scoring options that Cavan need to go to the next level. Johnston is a hasn't been, you might as well give youth a fling now, throw in young Dillon for example, Mc Keirnan is a midfielder and needs to get his finger out as they say, he was too easily man-marked today.
Indiscipline by Monaghan kept Cavan in the game today, giving away silly frees (some of them very soft) in the second half against a strong wind was madness by us, we should have won by at least 6 considering all the chances and wides we had. Perform like that further down the line and we will go out with a whimper

mhunicean_abu (Monaghan) - Posts: 1050 - 11/06/2017 22:48:38    1998185


Replying To doratheexplorer:  "What Ramor players would you play? Jack left panel, Ado wouldn't go in, Bradley not around. The best team in Cavan are the Gaels and some of our starting 15 wouldn't get in their team. Mackey still our best player and he's 30. Need other lads to stand up. Another Ulster Championship where G McKiernan anonymous. Ciaran Brady very good when he came in. Fergal Reilly done a great job man marking in league and against Monaghan and he sitting on bench. Playing defensive with the wind made no sense what so ever."
Who on the starting 15 wouldn't get in this "mighty " Cavan Gaels team you talk about. Come on give names?

Mike_Clitoris69 (Cavan) - Posts: 230 - 12/06/2017 07:48:39    1998234


Well that wasn't good for the blood pressure but a full blooded championship encounter. I know that the game is evolving all the time but I have to say, watching Cavan on numerous occassions, allowing Monaghan possession off the kick out and then strolling down to our '45 before pressing is hard to watch. It reminded me of a game of basketball where the defending team get inside the scoring zone and let the other team come onto them. Now I think we were set up to play a counter attacking game but it was still difficult to watch. It seemed that when we pushed up, we were exposed at the back. But that was systematic failure. Dublin go man to man a lot of the time but they have enough knowledge of their system to not get cut apart like butter. Anyway, I think that Monaghans knowledge of how to play and that little bit of extra quality showed in the end. But Connolly's late chance was in the net as far as I could see and then back out off the post.

I am not sure Cavan would have gone to Clones and beaten Monaghan even if Connolly's shot had gone in. I was bemused by McKiernan today, a man we need to deliver big time. When he was inside in the first half nobody gave him any service and he should have been around the '45 where he kicked a lovely point before half time. Madness not having him there. He was completely wiped out by his marker and didn't make the impact that he should. I think that and the fact that McVeety didn't start was too much for us to cope with. If Cavan are to beat Monaghan, then we need those two, in particular firing. The thought of a trip to Mullingar or Tullamore in a dangerous qualifier is not jumping out as an X on the calendar either.

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 12/06/2017 08:21:30    1998245


Losing to Monaghan its not all doom and gloom. We are not at that level but then again success for Monaghan based on the draw should really be Ulster champions and All Ireland semi final appearance. Our success based on the draw was to get to an Ulster final. When you consider the dire place Cavan have been in the last 10-15 years and all the drinking and the let downs then we are definitely in a better place. Cavan supporters get fanatical when we win a game. Look at after the Mayo game this year. In saying that 10-15 years ago we wouldn't have come within an ass's roar of Mayo. Maybe with this current players this is as good as it gets? Hopping between Division 1 and 2 would be a good minimum standard compared with not being able to get out of Division 3 and almost heading to Division 4. We don't have the forwards of the caliber of whats around us. We would love a McManus, Kavanagh (in his prime), Mulligan or Quigley that our next door neighbours have but we just don't have it at the moment. Reality is some if not all of the current panel might never get silverware but they can create a platform for others to come onto to the county into a higher standard than they encountered when they first played for Cavan.

cavan97 (Cavan) - Posts: 369 - 12/06/2017 09:11:33    1998261


Replying To Reformation:  "Well that wasn't good for the blood pressure but a full blooded championship encounter. I know that the game is evolving all the time but I have to say, watching Cavan on numerous occassions, allowing Monaghan possession off the kick out and then strolling down to our '45 before pressing is hard to watch. It reminded me of a game of basketball where the defending team get inside the scoring zone and let the other team come onto them. Now I think we were set up to play a counter attacking game but it was still difficult to watch. It seemed that when we pushed up, we were exposed at the back. But that was systematic failure. Dublin go man to man a lot of the time but they have enough knowledge of their system to not get cut apart like butter. Anyway, I think that Monaghans knowledge of how to play and that little bit of extra quality showed in the end. But Connolly's late chance was in the net as far as I could see and then back out off the post.

I am not sure Cavan would have gone to Clones and beaten Monaghan even if Connolly's shot had gone in. I was bemused by McKiernan today, a man we need to deliver big time. When he was inside in the first half nobody gave him any service and he should have been around the '45 where he kicked a lovely point before half time. Madness not having him there. He was completely wiped out by his marker and didn't make the impact that he should. I think that and the fact that McVeety didn't start was too much for us to cope with. If Cavan are to beat Monaghan, then we need those two, in particular firing. The thought of a trip to Mullingar or Tullamore in a dangerous qualifier is not jumping out as an X on the calendar either."
Dublin never go man to man!amd are you saying connellys shot went in?hard luck cavan,just need to find 1 or 2 forwards and yous won't be far off!

achara (Monaghan) - Posts: 573 - 12/06/2017 09:14:34    1998264


Replying To achara:  "Dublin never go man to man!amd are you saying connellys shot went in?hard luck cavan,just need to find 1 or 2 forwards and yous won't be far off!"
I'm saying from where i stood I thought it was in and then it came back out!! I am not claiming it was a goal.

Dublin do go man to man sometimes!

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 12/06/2017 11:14:05    1998350


Plenty of positives from yesterday's match. We need a few forwards sure but we knew that going in to the match. We need Gibney back if possible. Connelly looks like one for the future. Better soppot play needed when attacking. Don't run down our lads they have it all. In With some Cavan supporters it's either all doom or an Ulster for the taking. We have a small pool of
qluality players to pick from and club football is poor. When the County Board tried to bring in group teams some clubs pulled out. The county shoul take priority.

Kilnaleck Blue (Cavan) - Posts: 25 - 12/06/2017 14:11:55    1998471


Lads, just a quick observation, what did you make of the crowd yesterday. 13,000 seems very small. From where I was sitting it seemed a far bigger monaghan crowd was present, maybe outnumbered Cavan supporters 2 to 1. Anyway Ye have a decent team, you are just missing a Mc Manus or something similar. What about B reilly from Kingscourt

room2 (Monaghan) - Posts: 96 - 12/06/2017 14:54:26    1998518


listen, if we are honest , most of us realised that Monaghan are a better team than us by a few points and that's how it turned out. Even if we had scored that goal at the end it would probably be postponing the inevitable. good luck to Monaghan, they are a good team . We should regroup and take the qualifiers seriously . The only gripe I would have about how we played yesterday is that players and some experienced players do not seem to look up when in possession as there are times when forwards DO make runs in to space but don't get given the ball. I keep hearing that we don't have forwards but If McManus hadn't been given that pass then he wouldn't have scored the goal. We need to get the head up as sometimes we have more time than we realise. The lads put in a great shift and can't be faulted. We are a step above both Offaly and Westmeath at present and as such we would be expected to beat either. If we don't, then let the recriminations begin but for the moment let's reign in our disappointment.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 12/06/2017 14:59:37    1998519


Replying To room2:  "Lads, just a quick observation, what did you make of the crowd yesterday. 13,000 seems very small. From where I was sitting it seemed a far bigger monaghan crowd was present, maybe outnumbered Cavan supporters 2 to 1. Anyway Ye have a decent team, you are just missing a Mc Manus or something similar. What about B reilly from Kingscourt"
Yeah i was surprised too. but i'm pretty sure children aren't counted in that which would increase the crowd quite a bit (i could be wrong) Mc Manus goal at the end of the day was the difference but i think we're a bit short of more than just one class forward. too many lads playing with blinkers. we don't have any leaders that'll lift the thing like Wylie or mc Manus, so all in all 3 points was as close as we were ever going to get. Good luck to you in the next round, It's a great rivalry we have and a great respectable one at that!!!

theweanling (Cavan) - Posts: 414 - 12/06/2017 15:15:53    1998535


Well I think the last championship match was around 18000 no? It did seem to be significantly less than that obviously because of the weather. The town end wasn't that full really.

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12157 - 12/06/2017 16:16:56    1998590


Hard luck yesterday lads, I knew we'd get nothing easy in Breffni and there was hardly anything between the teams in the end.

As long as the players don't drop the heads, there's still a good chance of a run in the qualifiers. Most of the tougher teams seem to be on the other side and ye should have a straightforward enough game up first, especially seeing as they have to play a replay.

patk (Monaghan) - Posts: 936 - 12/06/2017 16:36:51    1998613
