Cavan Forum

Anyone game for a Christmas DO

(Oldest Posts First)

Tomsmith here

anyone game to have a come together for a Christmas do.
i know I should not be celebrating anything ( as the Gaels got beat earlier) but why not have a wee do some night to have a knees up
Can I have suggestions for some where ie agood GAA house
Say we choose one in west Cavan one in East Cavan and one like the Old Lavey Inn or will we go to Virginia I know Gaels fellows/supporters were always welcome in Virginia as were always decent in a pUb
We always have the Imperial run by Donal a retired Cavan manager.
Sean a Cara what is your views ??
Let me know what your views are

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 22/11/2016 11:06:05    1935915


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

anyone game to have a come together for a Christmas do.
i know I should not be celebrating anything ( as the Gaels got beat earlier) but why not have a wee do some night to have a knees up
Can I have suggestions for some where ie agood GAA house
Say we choose one in west Cavan one in East Cavan and one like the Old Lavey Inn or will we go to Virginia I know Gaels fellows/supporters were always welcome in Virginia as were always decent in a pUb
We always have the Imperial run by Donal a retired Cavan manager.
Sean a Cara what is your views ??
Let me know what your views are"
Terry is free so he could attend!!

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 22/11/2016 12:59:52    1935962


That time of year again for this post. Sure ask again in 12 months Tom.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 22/11/2016 18:59:39    1936071


Replying To doratheexplorer:  "That time of year again for this post. Sure ask again in 12 months Tom."
Tomsmith here from Cavan Gaels Club

If we hold a do in say the Imperial Hotel Cavan Town ( house has a very strong GAA Tradition ) Look lads and Lassies no one will Laugh at you if you come to a Christmas do and you are from a small Club out in the Country,
Cavan Gaels have had Country fellows playing for them in the past and the were the salt of the earth fellows who wanted to play with a bigger club. We also have fellows including Posters on H/S who live and earned a living in Cavan Town who support clubs outside of the Town. Some of these are here since 1974 and still dont appreciate a great team like the Gaaels
I say dont feel uneasy comming into a big Town where the Gaels are based we will extend the hand of friendship to you

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 26/11/2016 13:24:33    1936812


I'll be there Tom. To meet a legend and an innovator like you would be the highlight of the year

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 26/11/2016 14:13:11    1936822


"Imperial Hotel Cavan Town ( house has a very strong GAA Tradition ) "

At 2am of a Sunda Morning...With bodies strewen everywhere, fights, shouting and roaring, drunks and lads still trying to score ..Suppose that a good GAA tradition

ponger (Cavan) - Posts: 544 - 27/11/2016 17:07:34    1936963


2821 posts and STILL nonsense

tenyearplan (Cavan) - Posts: 147 - 27/11/2016 22:40:29    1937011


Replying To tenyearplan:  "2821 posts and STILL nonsense"
I'll be there Tom. To meet a legend and an innovator like you would be the highlight of the year

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts:710 - 26/11/2016 14:13:11 1936822

"Imperial Hotel Cavan Town ( house has a very strong GAA Tradition ) "

At 2am of a Sunda Morning...With bodies strewen everywhere, fights, shouting and roaring, drunks and lads still trying to score ..Suppose that a good GAA tradition

ponger (Cavan) - Posts:340 - 27/11/2016 17:07:34 1936963

Post Reply Link 0 0

2821 posts and STILL nonsense

tenyearplan (Cavan) - Posts:84

Tomsmith here
Fredflint ponger and Tenyear plan I will address your posts in order of superiority sorry seniority

look Fred dont be intimidated in coming into the Capital Town and socializing in the Home of Cavan football ie Cavan Gaels home Town. We have many people that we accommodate that are not Gaels supporters living here ( some came from away South)for years and do not see the reason to support a great team like the Gaels
Just come along met Tomsmith and the great Mrs T
Ponger tomsmith here with you. You had a bad experience/trip where you either witnessed this debauchery or you dreamt it only can decide.
Tenyear plan of 84 posts under this name, Look I will excuse you for describing my posts as nonsense as you know not what you write.
Get good advice before you post again
Anyway we are all set can we get adate set for the imperial

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 28/11/2016 20:21:48    1937144


Tom smith- thanks for your kind and considerate words. I'm sorry but how could I feel but intimidated to stand before you. The feeling would only be magnified by doing it in the Mecca that is the imperial owned an run by the great Donal. Tom, I would shake in my boots to stand before a legend like yourself. A man who pioneered divisional teams (only 50 years after Kerry), a man who discovered David Givney (a few yrs after Terry) a man who declared that a supporter should be a selector (don't think anyone else did that!). Tom, to hell with the pope- its tomsmith the people want.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 28/11/2016 21:35:57    1937156


Replying To tomsmith:  "I'll be there Tom. To meet a legend and an innovator like you would be the highlight of the year

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts:710 - 26/11/2016 14:13:11 1936822

"Imperial Hotel Cavan Town ( house has a very strong GAA Tradition ) "

At 2am of a Sunda Morning...With bodies strewen everywhere, fights, shouting and roaring, drunks and lads still trying to score ..Suppose that a good GAA tradition

ponger (Cavan) - Posts:340 - 27/11/2016 17:07:34 1936963

Post Reply Link 0 0

2821 posts and STILL nonsense

tenyearplan (Cavan) - Posts:84

Tomsmith here
Fredflint ponger and Tenyear plan I will address your posts in order of superiority sorry seniority

look Fred dont be intimidated in coming into the Capital Town and socializing in the Home of Cavan football ie Cavan Gaels home Town. We have many people that we accommodate that are not Gaels supporters living here ( some came from away South)for years and do not see the reason to support a great team like the Gaels
Just come along met Tomsmith and the great Mrs T
Ponger tomsmith here with you. You had a bad experience/trip where you either witnessed this debauchery or you dreamt it only can decide.
Tenyear plan of 84 posts under this name, Look I will excuse you for describing my posts as nonsense as you know not what you write.
Get good advice before you post again
Anyway we are all set can we get adate set for the imperial"
How about the 16th December or will the country folk not come into town on a Friday night because of lack of taxis?

RHF (Cavan) - Posts: 879 - 28/11/2016 21:36:50    1937157


Replying To RHF:  "How about the 16th December or will the country folk not come into town on a Friday night because of lack of taxis?"
Tomsmith here

To all Cavan Posters on Hoganstand

Can I have numbers please for the 16th of December function

Time 8pm to late
Dress smart casual preferably with ablue hue
Menu small eats/finger food
Name badges to be worn by all with on left lapel, posters who post under two alisas will wear two lapel names
Partners can accompany attendees

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 13/12/2016 11:06:00    1939844


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

To all Cavan Posters on Hoganstand

Can I have numbers please for the 16th of December function

Time 8pm to late
Dress smart casual preferably with ablue hue
Menu small eats/finger food
Name badges to be worn by all with on left lapel, posters who post under two alisas will wear two lapel names
Partners can accompany attendees"
Tomsmith il recognise you because you will probably be shadowing Donal!

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 13/12/2016 12:15:50    1939866



Tomsmith here

well the 16th came and went and I have to be big enough to admit defeat in trying to gather H S posters together .
It was sad to say that even Cavan Town based poster S----- o _______ did not attend. I would have been delighted to meet some of my old sparring partners or as the great MRS T said see the size of them fellows and Girls that are picking on you.
Well for those in attendance it was enjoyable with a new/current club manager( now managing in South Cavan ) outlining how he thinks football in Cavan will pan out in 2017. It was refreshing how he feels that a return to honest to god football of the 70/80 ies style should be re-introducted to Cavan
Here here to that call

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 27/12/2016 11:21:23    1942116


Replying To tomsmith:  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnow

Tomsmith here

well the 16th came and went and I have to be big enough to admit defeat in trying to gather H S posters together .
It was sad to say that even Cavan Town based poster S----- o _______ did not attend. I would have been delighted to meet some of my old sparring partners or as the great MRS T said see the size of them fellows and Girls that are picking on you.
Well for those in attendance it was enjoyable with a new/current club manager( now managing in South Cavan ) outlining how he thinks football in Cavan will pan out in 2017. It was refreshing how he feels that a return to honest to god football of the 70/80 ies style should be re-introducted to Cavan
Here here to that call"
Tom, think you had a few too many Sherry's over the Christmas as this did not happen.

We'll leave it at that.

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 357 - 29/12/2016 07:33:41    1942221


Replying To Reformation:  "Tom, think you had a few too many Sherry's over the Christmas as this did not happen.

We'll leave it at that."

Tomsmith and the great Mrs T here live with you send from her eye Phone

I can tell you that I attended as did the great Mrs T who hails from a great footballing family which was disappointed.
I can also confirm that in the course of night that the great Mrs T indicated that she felt that other posters may have been peeping in the door.
I can confirm that I had a conversation about the style of Cavan football with some of those present.

So as the Glan man would say Gausan put that in your Gub and chew on it

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3990 - 07/01/2017 15:26:57    1943744
