Cavan Forum

Should the fans have a say in our manager's appointment?

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Tomsmith Cavan Gaels here

Regarding the selection of the Cavan Senior Football manager

As on that has played my part in constructive advice/discussion/suggestions for the better of Cavan football for a long number of years I feel qualified to speak on this matter. I am of the opinion that the public should have a say. WHY?? Well I will say this, that many Cavan supporters feel the they have no input into the decision making.I will speak for people that do not belong to a club who support Cavan Football but feel disenfranchised or alienated from te decision making.
It would be a nice gesture if the Cavan County Board would would let one supporters rep on to the selection committee

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 04/09/2016 17:46:01    1909895


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith Cavan Gaels here

Regarding the selection of the Cavan Senior Football manager

As on that has played my part in constructive advice/discussion/suggestions for the better of Cavan football for a long number of years I feel qualified to speak on this matter. I am of the opinion that the public should have a say. WHY?? Well I will say this, that many Cavan supporters feel the they have no input into the decision making.I will speak for people that do not belong to a club who support Cavan Football but feel disenfranchised or alienated from te decision making.
It would be a nice gesture if the Cavan County Board would would let one supporters rep on to the selection committee"
Sadly Tom one in a group of 5 will be left out in the cold no matter how much he will argue for a person or persons. Your idea is dead all ready. Sean

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4602 - 04/09/2016 20:00:15    1909956


Replying To seanorinn:  "Sadly Tom one in a group of 5 will be left out in the cold no matter how much he will argue for a person or persons. Your idea is dead all ready. Sean"
Does the question imply that the people on the selection committee are not Cavan fans?

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 04/09/2016 20:09:29    1909963


Absolutely they should. Tom you are a genius. Keep sharing your Pearls of Wisdom. I always look forward to a new topic started by you.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 04/09/2016 20:54:22    1909979


Replying To fredflint:  "Does the question imply that the people on the selection committee are not Cavan fans?"
Tomsmith Cavan Town and longtime Cavan Gaels supporters

Fred Why o WHy do you read into it that the selection committee is not Cavan people,
What I am seeking for the non Cavan Club people to have a condue to voice an opinion.
I want to have an avenue for these people to speak out and be able to voice an opinion.
We dont want to get a poor replacement for Mr Hyland who was the best since Donal.
Give these people a voice and I feel youse the selection people will be rewarded with a pile of expertise

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 06/09/2016 18:58:39    1910917


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith Cavan Town and longtime Cavan Gaels supporters

Fred Why o WHy do you read into it that the selection committee is not Cavan people,
What I am seeking for the non Cavan Club people to have a condue to voice an opinion.
I want to have an avenue for these people to speak out and be able to voice an opinion.
We dont want to get a poor replacement for Mr Hyland who was the best since Donal.
Give these people a voice and I feel youse the selection people will be rewarded with a pile of expertise"
The non Cavan club people. So people who can't be bothered being members of their club should get a say in new manager. Good man Tom the gift that keeps giving. Tell us some more of your wisdom.

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 06/09/2016 19:37:37    1910934


The non Cavan club people. So people who can't be bothered being members of their club should get a say in new manager. Good man Tom the gift that keeps giving. Tell us some more of your wisdom.
doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts:596

Tomsmith from Cavan Gaels, Cavan best Club over the past 12 years

Doratheexployer what are you on about, It is odous that you would describe people in Cavan that are not Cavan Club people as not being bothered. Well I can tell you that some people have lots of reasons not to be Cavan Club people.
What about people that are flat out working building a buisness ?
What about people that are old and infirm ???
What about people that work awy from Cavan say away up in Dublin
What about people that are in London, Australia, America and listen to out games on the wireless.
These people may follow Cavan and indeed come home to games when we are doing well but may not be Club people
Do these people deserve a voice, I say yes give them a seat on the selection committee, sure I cannot go wrong.
We can organise the person to represent these people via H/S or via --------------- as it also is widely read by ex Cavan men

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 06/09/2016 23:01:21    1911016


Replying To tomsmith:  "The non Cavan club people. So people who can't be bothered being members of their club should get a say in new manager. Good man Tom the gift that keeps giving. Tell us some more of your wisdom.
doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts:596

Tomsmith from Cavan Gaels, Cavan best Club over the past 12 years

Doratheexployer what are you on about, It is odous that you would describe people in Cavan that are not Cavan Club people as not being bothered. Well I can tell you that some people have lots of reasons not to be Cavan Club people.
What about people that are flat out working building a buisness ?
What about people that are old and infirm ???
What about people that work awy from Cavan say away up in Dublin
What about people that are in London, Australia, America and listen to out games on the wireless.
These people may follow Cavan and indeed come home to games when we are doing well but may not be Club people
Do these people deserve a voice, I say yes give them a seat on the selection committee, sure I cannot go wrong.
We can organise the person to represent these people via H/S or via --------------- as it also is widely read by ex Cavan men"
Genius. Why don't we just make you manager?

doratheexplorer (Cavan) - Posts: 1467 - 07/09/2016 08:09:01    1911052


Tomsmith Cavan Town

The great lady Mrs T would not agree that I would away for long periods., and that is a good enough reason for me to decline (tarriange cheir it has to be

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 08/09/2016 00:57:27    1911597
