Cavan Forum

Full time Referees

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The GAA could be set to go down the road of paying its elite referees.

Eugene McGee, who championed the introduction of the black card as chairman of the Football Review Committee, believes the Association would be better served by a team of twelve full-time men in the middle:

Is Mr McGee on another planet looking for full time referees jesus the standard is so bad as it is, he now wants to make the so called elite referees professional.
We have individuals refereeing that never kicked a ball in their life refereeing the game so Mr McGee where do you draw the line. Do you support the manual referee or the person who has been there and done that. He/She would also be aware of the tricks of the game and not fall hook line and sinkers to cheating.
What is needed is proper assessments of referees and if they keep making mistakes remove them from the so called top 12 or sack them if they are professional.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4602 - 21/07/2016 12:51:42    1887571


Replying To seanorinn:  "The GAA could be set to go down the road of paying its elite referees.

Eugene McGee, who championed the introduction of the black card as chairman of the Football Review Committee, believes the Association would be better served by a team of twelve full-time men in the middle:

Is Mr McGee on another planet looking for full time referees jesus the standard is so bad as it is, he now wants to make the so called elite referees professional.
We have individuals refereeing that never kicked a ball in their life refereeing the game so Mr McGee where do you draw the line. Do you support the manual referee or the person who has been there and done that. He/She would also be aware of the tricks of the game and not fall hook line and sinkers to cheating.
What is needed is proper assessments of referees and if they keep making mistakes remove them from the so called top 12 or sack them if they are professional."
Does Mr McGee not realise that the Black cards have caused more confusion than some of TomSmiths posts!

deanmartin (Cavan) - Posts: 643 - 21/07/2016 14:11:25    1887643


Unfortunately I cannot see McGee admitting the Black Card has not gone to plan. It's his pet project. Full time referees? I can see the logic behind it but it's cart before the horse stuff. The game if not at the stage where it needs or can even afford full time referees. Proper implementation of the current rules needs to be looked at first- the massive elephant in the room. Unfortunately over carrying is endemic in the modern game. Unpunished fouling in the tackle also. This hasn't happened overnight. It's being going on for years and as a result the game has evolved as a consequence. Players and coaches have adapted to the "loop holes" - it's only human nature to test the boundaries. No one team or coach is responsible- it's been a gradual progression. The GAA need to take the bull by the horns and implement the correct rules for carrying, charging and tackling. This would free up the game massively. It would not make for pretty watching initially as players adapt and there would be massive complaints and a lot of stop start matches but teams would learn very quickly. Unfortunately I cannot see them doing this. They'll bring out some other nonsense and hail it as the bees knees.

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 21/07/2016 17:14:18    1887808


Nice bit of editing there moderator. Not gone to plan indeed :)

Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 21/07/2016 17:43:31    1887828


I have always had great time for Eugene McGee's views but I fear he may be gone a bit off the rails... His black card idea has been an absolute joke and now he wants to make a shower of clowns full time professionals...

Sean.66 (Cavan) - Posts: 293 - 22/07/2016 22:24:59    1888376
