Cavan Forum

Hyland under pressure. So says Derrys manager Barton

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Replying To fredflint:  "So why do you want rid of Hyland if you know there is no money to get this brilliant outside manager. Do you know how idiotic you come across when you argue for something that you admit cannot be done?"
We need an outside experienced manager but we won't spend the money because we haven't got it . But we need one. That answer your question Fredflint. We would rather spend money on paid officials who add nothing to the playing side

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 04/08/2016 20:52:51    1895876


Replying To Awwwwnow:  "We need an outside experienced manager but we won't spend the money because we haven't got it . But we need one. That answer your question Fredflint. We would rather spend money on paid officials who add nothing to the playing side"
Eh no it doesn't answer the question. You want Hyland gone to be replaced by an outside man yet you say the county board can't afford outside man. Then it makes no sense for you to be crying about firing Hyland all year.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 04/08/2016 21:39:17    1895901


Alan O'Meara said that there was no hurry in appointing a new manager.

I'd have to disagree and suggest that it is imperative a new manager is in place before the latter stages of the club championships so he can see what he's dealing with.


cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 04/08/2016 22:00:16    1895914


I vote to re-employ Terry and give him a massive pay rise... By all the praise he is getting here for winning nothing we better put him back in charge before some of the big guns snap him up... His record speaks for itself... Won in America and beat London twice

Sean.66 (Cavan) - Posts: 293 - 04/08/2016 23:13:27    1895950


Pay rise? Unlike the outside manager mercenaries you promote, Terry didn't get paid and did it for the love of his county but sure you wouldn't know anything about that type of thing.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 04/08/2016 23:30:13    1895956


I agree with Alan O'Mara there is no rush to put a new Manager in place. In fact we have until a week before our County panel is allowed to start training collectively again. Anyone interested in the role for the right reasons will be attending the upcoming County Championships not because they are being paid to be there.

rahanman (Cavan) - Posts: 127 - 05/08/2016 18:39:07    1896372


Replying To Sean.66:  "I vote to re-employ Terry and give him a massive pay rise... By all the praise he is getting here for winning nothing we better put him back in charge before some of the big guns snap him up... His record speaks for itself... Won in America and beat London twice"
I suppose you'll both propose and second that motion, eh Sean??

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 05/08/2016 19:19:17    1896390


Replying To cavanman47:  "I suppose you'll both propose and second that motion, eh Sean??"
Without doubt... "The future is blue" ...well it is now anyway

Sean.66 (Cavan) - Posts: 293 - 05/08/2016 23:12:35    1896468
