Cavan Forum

Taxi for Terry?

(Oldest Posts First)

Think it's time to go. Thanks for what you have done.

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 17/07/2016 23:37:08    1885130


Time to go Terry...

Don't risk the humiliation of being relegated from Division 1 and having to resign before the championship starts next year.

His race has run. A managerial overhaul is the only sensible option at this stage.

Anyone agree with me?

Steady_Eddie (Cavan) - Posts: 75 - 18/07/2016 16:19:40    1885694


Replying To Steady_Eddie:  "Time to go Terry...

Don't risk the humiliation of being relegated from Division 1 and having to resign before the championship starts next year.

His race has run. A managerial overhaul is the only sensible option at this stage.

Anyone agree with me?"
Given how Down performed in Division 1 this year, I don't think we'll do any worse than that - and so I don't think relegation would be humiliating nor would Terry be expected to resign if we go down, he will still be retained for the championship (as there's no way you're going to get the replacement you want/need mid-spring).

So it's a case of either go now, or give it another year.

Personally, I hope there's a change made but would regard what Terry has done for Cavan football to only be matched in my lifetime by Martin McHugh winning Ulster.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 19/07/2016 12:11:42    1886157


Replying To cavanman47:  "Given how Down performed in Division 1 this year, I don't think we'll do any worse than that - and so I don't think relegation would be humiliating nor would Terry be expected to resign if we go down, he will still be retained for the championship (as there's no way you're going to get the replacement you want/need mid-spring).

So it's a case of either go now, or give it another year.

Personally, I hope there's a change made but would regard what Terry has done for Cavan football to only be matched in my lifetime by Martin McHugh winning Ulster."
Hyland has the energy to carry on - this is the headline on the Cavan Home Page.

God help us all.

deanmartin (Cavan) - Posts: 643 - 19/07/2016 12:58:26    1886218


I'm less concerned about what we do next year (Div 1 football) but i'm more concerned with what we hope to achieve in 2 years time. If TH does say for 1 more year, it will definitely be his last, i would assume - he will have played Div1 and if we don't do really well in the Championship he will be gone. Is that they right time to be getting a manager.... when the seat is vacant? we should look to get a manager in who can look to 3-5 years with a plan and having Div1 ball next year and a young team should be incentive enough to take the reigns at Cavan.

I would also say that TH has done all he can, which in my view is alot more that many others would have achieved but i think he is now somewhat a victim of his own success and we need to kick on, and i dont think TH is the one to help Cavan do that.

Play_by_ear (Cavan) - Posts: 24 - 19/07/2016 13:22:05    1886256


Replying To cavanman47:  "Given how Down performed in Division 1 this year, I don't think we'll do any worse than that - and so I don't think relegation would be humiliating nor would Terry be expected to resign if we go down, he will still be retained for the championship (as there's no way you're going to get the replacement you want/need mid-spring).

So it's a case of either go now, or give it another year.

Personally, I hope there's a change made but would regard what Terry has done for Cavan football to only be matched in my lifetime by Martin McHugh winning Ulster."
I actually think what Terry has done surpasses McHugh's wonderful success in 97, this is coming from someone who remembers Waterford in Breffni , the revolving door of managers, the ridicule of the national media and the genuine lack of belief and accompanying depression at every level throughout the county. No one person has done so much to instil pride in the jersey since the days of Higgins and John Joe, who could begrudge him another year?

ramor101 (Cavan) - Posts: 289 - 19/07/2016 14:22:40    1886331


Replying To deanmartin:  "Hyland has the energy to carry on - this is the headline on the Cavan Home Page.

God help us all."
Have we the supporters the energy ?? Big difference in energy and tactical knowledge . Very big. He talks about schoolboy managers having energy. He talks about his management and the video analysis. That's all very well . Stats are great . It's mid match Terry can't change things . His tactical knowledge is very basic . His interviews are very basic too. It's time to go Tel .. For the betterment of Cavan football.

Awwwwnow (Cavan) - Posts: 1050 - 19/07/2016 14:47:19    1886357


ramor101 - Good man, Terry has surpassed McHughs 1997 success??!! I guess the 2015 Intercontinental World Cup against New York beats the Anglo Celt Cup any day!!

deanmartin (Cavan) - Posts: 643 - 19/07/2016 15:54:28    1886425


nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles nopointsscoredinsecondhalfofmckennacupfinal intercontinentalcup terrybrigade skellinglivesinusa takeofftheshackles

Skelling (USA) - Posts: 289 - 19/07/2016 16:38:55    1886479


It's not that I'm a member of the"Get Terry out brigade"
But if we're going to take that so called next step we need a change of management.
I see Pete McGrath is leaving his options open with regard to Fermanagh!!!
If Terry does stay maybe he'll let the whole so strong panel play.
Carlow was an ideal opportunity but he took a more cautious approach.
I'd safely say the county board will give him another to do something or give them a real reason to let him go.

desagov (Cavan) - Posts: 209 - 19/07/2016 18:58:13    1886583


As far as I can see, Terry has survived the most important period in the year for him.That week after he loses his qualifier match and waits to see where the dark clouds are gathering from. Lo and behold, no dark clouds. We're in division 1 and Terry got us there so he should be allowed to lead them through that campaign. Who knows we might even do a Roscommon and get enough early wins to stay in Div 1. There again, we could do a Down, and start a freefall.

Next month or the one after, the CB will gather the clubs together to ratify Terry because the one man who had a backbone to stop this charade left them in disgust earlier in the year. So there is no opposition. The players may silently murmur a few discontented utterings but will remain behind their manager in public. The clubs will follow suit and Terry will then do what he has done for the past six years. He'll scour the county during the club championships for new and existing talent, even some that he wouldn't play for a minute this year. They'll be given fair opportunities after Xmas with a few challenges and the McKenna cup and maybe even the first few league games. Then we'll see the now familiar trend starting again. The usuals will be brought back and put into position for the first round even though they're getting roasted as usual in training, and they will perform just like they have done over the past three years. Some of the new talent will be brought in for the last two mins of games and then we'll make our way to the second round qualifier if we're lucky and then....... then we'll be back right where we are today, only another year older but none the wiser. And then, after another predictable week of silence, Terry will emerge to announce that he still has the energy to carry on. And as long as Terry has the energy, then that's ok, isn't it?

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 19/07/2016 19:38:16    1886617


Ondforty...scarily accurate
And prob a very good view ahead

Jimjo (Cavan) - Posts: 65 - 19/07/2016 22:34:01    1886726


Replying To deanmartin:  "ramor101 - Good man, Terry has surpassed McHughs 1997 success??!! I guess the 2015 Intercontinental World Cup against New York beats the Anglo Celt Cup any day!!"
Very suprised to see you back from hibernation(not). I'm a big fan of McHugh but take off that 1997 blue tinted glasses. McHugh and Cavan were very very lucky to win that Ulster, a last gasp equalizer against Fermanagh and a one point final win against Derry despite scoring two illegal points. McHugh knew he had taken Cavan as far as he could and stepped down while still in glory (smart choice). If anything that was our best chance in the last 50 odd years to win an all Ireland and he got his tactics very wrong against Kerry

JamsieMac (Cavan) - Posts: 482 - 20/07/2016 00:13:52    1886766


unfortunally very true, would like to see an in house manager take the reigns , but it looks like an outsider is whats needed , with no favourites and a new beginning for the panel

sendithome (Cavan) - Posts: 25 - 20/07/2016 01:02:43    1886775


In house Manager??? Who is there? nobody in my book,

Tom Cribbin when he steps away from Westmeath at the end of there year is a great candidate..
Excellent Championship record...
and Excellent Experience for the job.

Dr.Phil (Cavan) - Posts: 109 - 20/07/2016 13:14:24    1886950


Good observation Ondforty but you left out the bit where the management team gets freshened up in years 1 through to 5 of the current setup.
1: let Val Andrews go
2: let Martin Kennedy's NADA strength and condition go (took over Dublin)
3: let Joe Mc Carthy go( success with Peter Reilly with 21s)
4: let Peter Donnely go( strength-condition ,went to Tyrone)
5: let Anthony Forde go

Now that leaves TH and PD (selector from Shannon Gaels) left.
Are we to do a last man standin to be clear where the challenges lie?
Sure what's another year....... out of the social lives, relationships, careers, education, travel opportunities of all these young men....the players , I'm sure they have the energy for it too!

shannon414 (Cavan) - Posts: 228 - 20/07/2016 19:08:05    1887212
