What about McKiernan though. What a leader. If he hadn't been injured during our run to the quarters a couple of years back he'd have long been in the national spotlight. A manager can't kick a ball so the players need to step up and they did that, to a man.
Hyland also deserves all the praise coming his way. He was right to be resolute in his dedication to a game plan that he felt best served the team. That's a great quality to have as opposed to someone doesn't have strength in their convictions. He had to give the gameplan time to see how far it could take us. A good manager needs to come to his own conclusions and not heed the hurlers on the ditch. He has since changed tactics to suit what are a maturing and confident bunch of players (confidence garnered from playing defensively previously and winning ugly). I'll admit to my bemusement with the tactics setting in last year but never felt the need to call for his head. The trajectory has been upwards with a few stutters under his tenure, never downwards so he has been vindicated.
I remember the last time Cavan faced Tyrone in a league final in Division 1 back in 2002. I don't recall having the same optimism for the future of Cavan football back then and unfortunately the subsequent years proved me right.
Bozo (Cavan) - Posts: 58 - 04/04/2016 11:59:22
Skelling (USA) - Posts:107 - 04/04/2016 11:13:16 1841410 Don't know where you are reading that Sean O'Rinn is getting all the plaudits. I made a post after two defeats reason I made them is because I saw enough in the last 15 minuets of the Derry match to have the confidence to make my prediction and was fed up reading the negative posts. Thats neither here nor there we are in division 1 and you have to be here playing the big guns to know how far we have advanced over the last 4 years it's that simple. Cavan have the momentum now let's keep it rolling. It was nice to see a fair crowed at the match and for a change some brilliant football in terrible conditions. Long may it continue. Croke Park next it will be a full house for it's a special day there after the matches one not to miss. Well done again to the lad's now let's drive it on.
The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4602 - 04/04/2016 12:01:26
What a great day yesterday was for Cavan football. We showed great heart, fight, skill and self belief. Football Gods were smiling on us too- we rode our luck a bit as well. Galway a decent looking team. Hard luck to them. If they play their cards right they'll be promoted next year. Some huge shifts put in yesterday by everyone. I thought Givney was outstanding at full forward. Doesn't matter if the ball in is good or bad. He makes a nuisance of himself. But it was when he had the ball in hand that I found the most pleasing. Starting to look the part at 14. McKiernan put in a monster performance. 5 points, pressuring, tackling, dispossessing. I think one of his points he chased down a Galway breakaway, timed his tackle to perfection for the sweetest of dispossessions, back up the field and kicked a point. These are the things that break opposition, inspire team mates, get the crowd on their feet. Also Killian Clarke had a great game. He is just a class class act. As fine a footballer as you'll see. Midfield put in a big shift and the hitting was hard. Won a lot of dirty ball. In truth everyone played well even though there were plenty of mistakes- conditions weren't easy. Subs had a huge impact which is so refreshing to see. Onto management. A huge congratulations to everyone involved with this panel, underage teams and development squads. I'd say we finished with a stronger team than the one we started with and this is testament to all the hard graft that has been put in behind the scenes. Can't remember seeing a stronger panel- even McHugh's team couldn't call on the subs we have now. To Terry himself. He might only be a facilitator but it's very easy to make a balls of it. There's been a lot of crap written about his team- no more so than by Joe Brolly. But he has broad shoulders and is his own man. He has held a steady line throughout his tenure and always goes with his conviction. He has no airs or graces and players respect him hugely. We're lucky to have a man like this over our team. I think the county board deserve a bit of credit too. It can be easy to swing the axe when the mob want blood. Show yourself to be proactive. Look at Galway- big county, always strong, fine underage pedigree from the last few years and we beat them to promotion. Changing managers hasn't worked for them. Sometimes you need to show a bit of patience and true grit. To the future, this year and beyond. Would love us to beat Tyrone in Croker. A run in the championship would be nice too. But I hope we continue on the course we've set. Get plenty more silverware underage, add to our senior panel and keep up the good work. There's going to be more setbacks along the way but we need to stick at it. After that hopefully the results will look after themselves.
Hardtimes (Cavan) - Posts: 1056 - 04/04/2016 13:52:12
I agree totally with "Hardtimes (Cavan)" comments and I think it's a credit to Terry Hyland that he has, and continues to, open the senior panel to all players in Co Cavan from all clubs.
Cavan panels need to be open to all Cavan footballers and the representation of 15 clubs (I think and stand to be corrected) in the starting 15 players is a real endorsement for Terry (and his backroom team) in seeking to find the best players in Cavan football to represent all Cavan clubs, players, and supporters.
This is a strength/skill that needs to be developed amongst all underage and development squad managers (and backroom teams).
I also think the current panel have the ability to win division 2 and should be up there for the 2016 championship. Division 1 next year will assist in further player development and this extends right out to the last panel member and those that enter the panel over the coming 12 months.
experiencedblu (Cavan) - Posts: 19 - 04/04/2016 16:07:50
Lads was the attendance announced for the Cavan v Galway games? Any ideas?
Jim_Shorts (Cavan) - Posts: 96 - 04/04/2016 21:21:05
Well done Cavan. Galway football folk generally are pretty magnaminous and while we are very disappointed the only way to go is keep positive with a young squad. Crafty said earlier in this thread about 700 at our last home game against Fermanagh. Beg to differ. there was about 5 times that with a decent Fermanagh support as well. Problem in Galway in some cases is the hurling/football divide and the more recent north/west football divide. Anyway I am optimistic that we will trouble our noisy neighbours on June 18th given now that they really will underestimate us. Best of luck ye guys against Tyrone and in Ulster.
kiloughter (Galway) - Posts: 1973 - 05/04/2016 08:46:03
Well done Cavan. Galway football folk generally are pretty magnaminous and while we are very disappointed the only way to go is keep positive with a young squad. Crafty said earlier in this thread about 700 at our last home game against Fermanagh. Beg to differ. there was about 5 times that with a decent Fermanagh support as well. Problem in Galway in some cases is the hurling/football divide and the more recent north/west football divide. Anyway I am optimistic that we will trouble our noisy neighbours on June 18th given now that they really will underestimate us. Best of luck ye guys against Tyrone and in Ulster.
kiloughter (Galway) - Posts:867 - 05/04/2016 08:46:03 1841880 Yes kiloughter and I would like to think the majority from Cavan were likewise. I watched your lads playing and I saw enough to predict you will be in Division 1 next year. I hope your management will take on board and install it into their panel of players is don't panic. I noticed for the last 20 minuets your lads started shooting from too far out and this was a sure sign that a team i was panicking. Here in Cavan we have been trying to get back to the top flight for too long so I am glad we won but you fella's stick to your guns and you will be in Division 1 next year along with Cork. Regarding the situation with the hurling there were 7000 supporters at your hurling match and I cannot understand why they in Croke Park try to block duel players from having their day by playing Galway V Cavan On Sunday and the senior hurlers having to play as well it's ridiculous to be honest. Keep the faith and the best of luck for the rest of your season. Play your own game you will do fine nothing to fear from the Rossie's with the quality of player's I saw Sunday on your team. By the way I don't agree with this stupid relegation play off in the hurling either. As a Cork man I feel they made a mockery of the league by not winning one match knowing all they had to do was win the play off this is totally ridiculous and an insult to the Cork supporters who dig deep to follow them and the GAA establishment.
The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4602 - 05/04/2016 10:31:09
Cheers Sean. On the hurling Cork in fairness were quite dominant in the first half and I think we never looked like winning that game although the two Cork goals came late on. On the duel issue I remember in 2011 we played a championship qualifier against Cork in Limerick at 3pm and a football qualifier against Meath in Navan at 7pm on the same day. I was aghast and mentioned it to the Chair of our Co. board (who I would know of through work) at the time citing an example that this would never happen in Dublin for example as it was impossible to attend both. I went to Navan in the end as am slightly more football. Still to this day I cannot figure that one.
kiloughter (Galway) - Posts: 1973 - 05/04/2016 12:11:32
Cheers Sean. On the hurling Cork in fairness were quite dominant in the first half and I think we never looked like winning that game although the two Cork goals came late on. On the duel issue I remember in 2011 we played a championship qualifier against Cork in Limerick at 3pm and a football qualifier against Meath in Navan at 7pm on the same day. I was aghast and mentioned it to the Chair of our Co. board (who I would know of through work) at the time citing an example that this would never happen in Dublin for example as it was impossible to attend both. I went to Navan in the end as am slightly more football. Still to this day I cannot figure that one.
kiloughter (Galway) - Posts:868 - 05/04/2016 12:11:32 1842033
Yes 100% crazy and why they make it difficult for players and fans alike is beyond belief. But as you like Michael and Danny Healy Rae say once you pass the red cow round about you are in a different country.
The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4602 - 05/04/2016 12:44:04
Well done Cavan on a deserved victory. I was gutted leaving Breffni on sunday but better team on the day without a doubt. Good luck in division 1.
Rocky.Road (Galway) - Posts: 376 - 05/04/2016 17:03:30
Sean, I was out of the country for the week but their was no prouder Cavan supporter in Seville at 4.45 last Sunday evening. Your faith in the team was justified. Let's hope that the dark days are behind us and that the future is blue. I am sure that David, Seanie and Eugene are glad they came back.
Winning is a habit, lets keep it!
kildare blue (Cavan) - Posts: 578 - 10/04/2016 09:53:31