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Cavan vs Armagh

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Congratulations Cavan on a great win. Most people acknowledge it was against a very poor Armagh outfit but another 2 point in the bag and a trip to our old hunting ground Brewster park next. This will be a sterner test but one which we should get through. Keep it going boys.

cavan97 (Cavan) - Posts: 369 - 07/03/2016 08:29:14    1831523


Firstly, that was a joy to watch. We played with fluidity and when we move the ball fast and accurate then we are capable of putting up big scores. Next Saturday takes us to Brewster. I wasn't aware that Fermanagh were 12 games unbeaten there but that tells a story in itself. Corrigan ran amok last weekend and will need some serious watching. Jason McLoughlin may be the man to man mark. I was talking to a very dispondent Armagh fan on the way out. I told him that we have had days like these too but he doesn't seem to think that McGeeney is clicking with the players. Only 1 Cross player on the panel seems very strange. Maybe they're being held back for the club final, which would make sense.

Anyway, next weekend will set us up for the rest of the year. A win should guarantee safety but a defeat could take the end out of our sails for the rest of the league. Nobody will be taking Fermanagh lightly. Brewster has been a happy hunting ground for us (especially at under age) over the last few years so lets hope that continues.

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 357 - 07/03/2016 10:56:27    1831629


Reformation, Cross are not in the club final. They lost their semi-final in Breffni Park.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 07/03/2016 11:12:39    1831647


Jamie Clarke not playing County football this year and the corner back James Morgan out injured for the rest of the year. They would be the only other cross players making the team.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2856 - 07/03/2016 12:33:49    1831750


Reformation, Cross are not in the club final. They lost their semi-final in Breffni Park.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts:9854 - 07/03/2016 11:12:39

I stand corrected :)
Completely forgot about that.

That makes it all the more surprising!

Reformation (Cavan) - Posts: 357 - 07/03/2016 13:12:33    1831787


Wins like that do the heart good.

I know we have Keating to come back but what's the story with Niall McDermott?

If he's due back as well that's another physical forward to add to a growing list.

cavandub (Cavan) - Posts: 67 - 07/03/2016 13:19:02    1831793


McDermott got a setback with the injury, happened in a sigerson game. Might not be back by end of the league.
Keating pulled the hamstring.

Good options when all are fit. Gearoid McKiernan missed the championship in 2013, killian Clarke missed the championship in 2014 and 2015 through travel and injury.
Keating and Givney missed all of last year.

Be good to go into championship with all current panel available

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2856 - 07/03/2016 13:48:23    1831812


Good win on Saturday night. Great to see Rory Dunne back even if it was brief. I think the adrenalin was really pumping when he came in and cost him the black.

Big test Saturday night but most of these lads have good experience at u 21 level there.

Lets get good support down there

Joebe (Cavan) - Posts: 76 - 07/03/2016 20:43:50    1832071


I was there in Breffni on Saturday and it was thrilling. Great to be sitting in the stand with 15 mins to go and not worrying about another 2 points.
As somebody on the radio said maybe this is the lads coming of age. 4 or 5 years of u21,s finally growing into men. It is definately the best forward line in the last few years and with big men in so many vital positions. Keating to come back is great, but him and McDermott will have a fight to get back in. Nobody mentioned another little gem to come back as well - Tom Hayes. Pound for pound one of the best young forwards and as brave as they come.
The attacking style of the last game and a half is so refreshing. But Fermanagh could be waiting in the long grass for us. So we should be on our guard.
As I said before in an earlier post I had my issues with Seanie in the past but he has been brilliant since returning in the last few games. He really is a natural forward, and these are hard to find. His foot passing and accuracy has revitalised the team and the younger lads now realise what we have been missing in the last 4 years. It is great to see him cajoling and helping these lads.
There were so many positives on Sat but a note of warning, how bad were Armagh.
So next Sat we should be confident but very wary.
I always had confidence in these lads and at last it is shining through.

BreffniDub (None) - Posts: 377 - 07/03/2016 21:08:52    1832088


Things must be very busy in Killygarry!!!
Terry must have left a blanket for Deano to fold

cavan97 (Cavan) - Posts: 369 - 08/03/2016 11:02:29    1832215
