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Hyland to continue with Cavan

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There certainly are people on here who enjoy to see Cavan lose, we can agree on that Ned! I'm not one of them. I'm just a realist as I don't think losing narrowly to the two best teams in the division is a disaster. Meath is a must win, hopefully the break will have helped Keating and Givney get up to the required fitness

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 23/02/2016 20:45:35    1827623


agree, there are people on here who want to see Cavan lose. because it gives them more amunition to fire at the current management.
the rest of us are dissappointed when cavan lose but we are realistic and can assess the games without prejudice. We never enjoy it when cavan lose but we can appreciate it when we perform quite well against decent opposition.

s goldrick (Cavan) - Posts: 5520 - 24/02/2016 14:29:42    1827799


Maybe with someone else running the Cavan team we wouldn't lose.
Maybe if we had someone a bit more tactically aware we would actually have won those two games and everyone would be happy.

Cavan_Slasher (Cavan) - Posts: 10253 - 24/02/2016 16:12:38    1827850


Fredflint yes I wrote for two weeks to both the Celt when it was published in Cavan not in Meath by total strangers, I also wrote to the Cavan Post now gone and I make no bones about it. If you read my articles in both I was a firm advocate at the time of a stand alone manager of the U21 team and from I wrote that the history is there for all to see. That year Mr Hyland was appointed as the stand alone U21 manager and in fairness they stood by what I wrote no U21 player was available to the senior team until their campaign was over, the first year beaten finalists and then went on to win several in a row. Was my advise wrong ????? did Cavan U21 succeed then it's there in the history book. I don't read the celt anymore for unfortunately you read the same rhetoric week after week and it gets nauseating. The Celt is bough every week by my wife however I suppose as a Cavan woman one would expect this.

Regarding this man for the Cavan job should Mr Hyland stand down, did any of you people watch the Crossmaglen Castlebar match well if you did there was not a pigs chance in hell that you would have mentioned Oisin McConville for the Cavan Job.
I will tell you something if Joe McCarthy is not well enough for the job then go to the silent man Pete McGrath.
Mr Hyland has not said he is standing down so it's all speculation so until he does I am sure you will have ample time for the rest of the season to look at many managers or potential managers for the job.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 24/02/2016 16:22:50    1827859


Are we going to sacrifice our place in Div 2, just so Keating and Givney can get up to the required fitness??
We're still waiting. and Waiting, Nothing from either of them to justify their inclusion on a starting 15.
Time for management to wake up and see what's in front of them.

Cluichepeil (Cavan) - Posts: 57 - 27/02/2016 08:32:26    1828566


Definitely think we can win this game tomorrow, a loss will mean we're as good as dead and buried back to division 3. About time Johnston was given a start, lets see why Terry decided to bring him back, it could pay off or backfire.

Huge pressure on us going into this game.

Ned_Stormcrow (Cavan) - Posts: 1071 - 27/02/2016 11:33:51    1828588


Sean, I was making reference to your claim you never read the paper yet you write letters to it. You are also able to determine your letters are not printed despite not reading the paper which is a fair talent!. I never said I disagreed with the opinions you expressed in those letters. In fact I broadly agree with them.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 27/02/2016 12:58:09    1828595


Sean, I was making reference to your claim you never read the paper yet you write letters to it. You are also able to determine your letters are not printed despite not reading the paper which is a fair talent!. I never said I disagreed with the opinions you expressed in those letters. In fact I broadly agree with them.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts:608 - 27/02/2016 12:58:09 1828595

At the time I would browse the sport page but from it was moved from Cavan I never bother anymore hence the reason why at times I cannot comment on comments made in it. But you know the history and that for me is good enough. Remember it's not a local paper anymore and has nothing of interest in it for me to bother even picking it up.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 27/02/2016 15:43:39    1828634
