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Cavan V Monaghan

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No clarke, maLoughlin or mcVeety, team looks very light when you take out all that experience.

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1697 - 05/04/2024 06:25:12    2535739


So team is out:

Cian Reilly, Gunner Brady, O'Connell
Faulkner, Carolan, Conor Brady
James Smith, Oisin Kiernan (D)
Holla Brady, Gery Smith, Oisin Kiernan (C)
Cian Madden, Lynch, Oisin Brady

As said above, Clarke, McVeety, and McLaughlin are out. Unless they somehow come into the panel by Sunday, they are huge losses alright. It's good to see Gerry and Faulkner back though, so not all bad. I was cautiously optimistic during the week, but not so much now. Maybe that suits us now, who knows.

Weather giving rain on Sunday, and pitch likely to be heavy after this storm the days before. Jeez but I don't like Championship matches this time of year as it's always raining. Rained out last year too. Lot to be said for weather and injuries to have a gap after League leading into May and such

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2423 - 05/04/2024 08:35:29    2535750


Will there be a game at all with the wind forecast?

Calving4Sam (Cavan) - Posts: 84 - 05/04/2024 15:15:23    2535854


Replying To Loughduff Lad:  "So team is out:

Cian Reilly, Gunner Brady, O'Connell
Faulkner, Carolan, Conor Brady
James Smith, Oisin Kiernan (D)
Holla Brady, Gery Smith, Oisin Kiernan (C)
Cian Madden, Lynch, Oisin Brady

As said above, Clarke, McVeety, and McLaughlin are out. Unless they somehow come into the panel by Sunday, they are huge losses alright. It's good to see Gerry and Faulkner back though, so not all bad. I was cautiously optimistic during the week, but not so much now. Maybe that suits us now, who knows.

Weather giving rain on Sunday, and pitch likely to be heavy after this storm the days before. Jeez but I don't like Championship matches this time of year as it's always raining. Rained out last year too. Lot to be said for weather and injuries to have a gap after League leading into May and such"
And we are missing O'Hanlon ...huge loss. Also Ward, McAnespie, Woods and Bannigan not fully fit as on the bench. Maybe we could agree on a postponement lol .

Shelbourne1 (Monaghan) - Posts: 358 - 05/04/2024 16:03:10    2535867


I think we have a reasonable chance in this game… Monaghan are never completely comfortable when they come up against Cavan… Their defence was very leaky during the league but having said that they were facing the top forwards in the country every game they played… we don't have attackers anywhere near that quality which evens it out somewhat… We might need a goal or two but more importantly we can't afford to concede any as it will put serious pressure on the amount of points we will need to get the job done…. goal scoring has been a huge problem for Cavan going back years now and it leaves us vulnerable to getting turned over by even the most moderate of opposition as we have seen in the last few years… I doubt if Faulkner is 100% fit but needs must and any talk of McVeety making an appearance is folly as he is going to be out for 6 to 8 weeks at least according to reports…. He will be a huge loss in a game like this but now's the time for others to step up and take the fight to Monaghan….Come on Cavan

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2341 - 05/04/2024 16:18:17    2535878


i think our goose is cooked we have a thread bare panel as it is and the new members do not seem to have the same ability or fighting spirit that this ageing squad had and we needed to be at full strength for this match and keep 15 players on the pitch for full game to have any chance. We have been picking up black cards in league games with the games won and i can see us picking up two or three in this high pressure game which will decide it.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 06/04/2024 10:53:37    2535967


Super stuff from Cavan in the 2nd half and as I suspected Monaghans defence wasn't up to much.. Paddy Smith put in a great performance in front of goal and Faulkner was heroic… For a change the referee seemed to favour us somewhat as we got a few dubious frees but we don't get much in that department too often so we deserve it… Well done to the management team who showed bravery pushing up on Beggan as much as possible…. a breath of fresh air compared to the last few years

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2341 - 07/04/2024 17:57:48    2536253


Well Well. We got goals and two super ones at that. Our 6 defenders we insane, gunners best game and still got a yellow. Caralon was super and Faulkner was too. The different was that we were more direct with energy. We took on the shoulder and broke the game line which bough us space. Midfield still and issue but we held our own. I said if Monaghan had the defense splitting moves they would win but it turned out that it was us that had them. Glad to be wrong :) Savage applause to the team and management.

Monaghan were so poor. We were lucky they started the half forward line that they did. They had no energy and ran down alleys.

ponger (Cavan) - Posts: 542 - 07/04/2024 18:40:48    2536289


A great win. Cavan played the better football. Monaghan were replying on Beggan as a sweeper keeper fit most of the attacks. That can work but not all the time and only slows the play.
Cavan's experienced players stood up, Faulkner, Gerry Smith Killian Brady. Lynch was brilliant from frees.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 07/04/2024 18:51:17    2536296


Great to be proved wrong what a second half two brilliant goals scored should do wonders for the moral of the entire squad especially the younger players some battling performance from the older warriors once again as good as they have ever played

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 07/04/2024 20:51:51    2536358


It's no wonder monaghan were relegated..I'd say they are delighted they avoid a 20 point defeat against Tyrone.

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1697 - 07/04/2024 21:00:20    2536363


Regardless of where Monaghan are right now, winning this was a very good achievement for Ray and his young team. It will be interesting to see how they approach the next challenge, and it is a sizeable task. I'm fed up watching us trotting out to play Tyrone with a white flag at the ready. It would be great to see us taking the fight to them in a similar controlled and determined manner as yesterday. We won our last Ulster Championship by refusing to be beaten and never giving up. This will do for me.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 08/04/2024 12:16:23    2536538


Replying To ondforty:  "Regardless of where Monaghan are right now, winning this was a very good achievement for Ray and his young team. It will be interesting to see how they approach the next challenge, and it is a sizeable task. I'm fed up watching us trotting out to play Tyrone with a white flag at the ready. It would be great to see us taking the fight to them in a similar controlled and determined manner as yesterday. We won our last Ulster Championship by refusing to be beaten and never giving up. This will do for me."
Yeah, I think we need this game prior to heading into the groups.

Donegal and Armagh in division 2 is all well and good but we need a championship game against a hardened championship team to bring these lads on. Tyrone will give us that.

I'll wait until closer to game time to look a bit more closely at it, but in the context of the entire championship, I think getting more than 1 Ulster game under the belt is important.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5082 - 08/04/2024 12:39:55    2536552


Gaa are doing their best to destroy the championship only 8 thousand at the game yesterday and if player gets any type of injury yesterday he will be out for the entire ulster championship all they needed to do was bring out a rule that all county players had to play with their clubs and leave things as they were with the championship on when all soccer and rugby was finished and in better weather with drier ground and a few weeks between games to build up a bith of hype around games. I know most of the genuine cavan supporters in my parish who never miss a match were not in clones on sunday .

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 08/04/2024 13:00:20    2536562


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "Gaa are doing their best to destroy the championship only 8 thousand at the game yesterday and if player gets any type of injury yesterday he will be out for the entire ulster championship all they needed to do was bring out a rule that all county players had to play with their clubs and leave things as they were with the championship on when all soccer and rugby was finished and in better weather with drier ground and a few weeks between games to build up a bith of hype around games. I know most of the genuine cavan supporters in my parish who never miss a match were not in clones on sunday ."
County is only 30 lads, club caters for far more people and should be front and centre..madness the money and time that's invested in a County team that only includes 26-30 players.

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1697 - 08/04/2024 20:44:54    2536743


Replying To wishfulthinkin:  "County is only 30 lads, club caters for far more people and should be front and centre..madness the money and time that's invested in a County team that only includes 26-30 players."
You are 100% correct…. The GAA have the whole thing back to front.., The big wigs have no interest in club football as it's not the cash cow that County football is…money is their only interest… Why do you think they introduced the "Super 8's" and now these ridiculous group games that have multiple meaningless games to eliminate 4 teams… All to get fools to pay through the nose to witness a snore fest… It's no wonder people are turning their backs on the game in their droves…..

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2341 - 09/04/2024 07:22:08    2536783


Replying To ondforty:  "Regardless of where Monaghan are right now, winning this was a very good achievement for Ray and his young team. It will be interesting to see how they approach the next challenge, and it is a sizeable task. I'm fed up watching us trotting out to play Tyrone with a white flag at the ready. It would be great to see us taking the fight to them in a similar controlled and determined manner as yesterday. We won our last Ulster Championship by refusing to be beaten and never giving up. This will do for me."
yes good point i wouldnt be afraid of tyrone eventhough our record is bad against them .i hope mcgloughlin is back he will be needed to mark canavan

breffnibhoy (Cavan) - Posts: 23 - 09/04/2024 12:13:30    2536859


Replying To veterngaa:  "Trillick did it against Scotstown in the Ulster club. In theory sounds great but then Conor McCarthy or Karl O`Connell is left spare to rule the roost."
Where are You this week. Very quiet

countrytool (Cavan) - Posts: 16 - 09/04/2024 16:07:42    2536939


Any word on James Smith? Hope Darren Hughes is ok. Would not like to be involved in a collision with those 2 AND Padraig Faulkner going full pelt

Breffni40 (Cavan) - Posts: 12147 - 10/04/2024 10:36:32    2537068
