Cavan Forum

Thank You Mickey Graham

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Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "I was delighted with the Ulster win you fool but it had very little to do with Mickey Graham… His tactics had them beaten by Down until the players took it upon themselves to go for the game and got over the line… had they stuck to Grahams instructions we would have no Ulster title in 2020… A steady slide since that great day would lead anyone with an ounce of football knowledge to say that this guy wasn't up to County management…..The team's demise since that proves it yet somehow posters seem willing to applaud mediocrity and continues failure… baffling"
I think we should put the Mickey Graham thing to bed. In fairness to the man he delivered an Ulster Championship title. First in 25 yr.
we won 1 in 97 with the point that never was but that no reflection on Martin Mc Hugh.
We were glad to get what we got in 97 and 2020. So fair play to any manager that brings us an Ulster title.
Every supporter including Mickey will admit that things have gone a bit stale this past year or so. That's probably why he walked away. Every genuine supporter will 100% thank Mickey for his efforts.
Going forward it's about the CB picking the right Manager and management team that can get us back playing some sort of attractive football where we can balance our defensive and attacking game.
It's been sore on the eye lately and I'd say the players are as deflated as the Supporters.
It's vital we get the appointment right.

Breffni1969 (Cavan) - Posts: 510 - 13/07/2023 15:03:31    2494151


Replying To Breffni1969:  "Mick Higgins wasn't from Cavan"
Born in New York to Irish parents and grew up in Kilnaleck (where is mother was from) from a kid. Think we can say he was

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2423 - 13/07/2023 15:15:42    2494154


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "I was delighted with the Ulster win you fool but it had very little to do with Mickey Graham… His tactics had them beaten by Down until the players took it upon themselves to go for the game and got over the line… had they stuck to Grahams instructions we would have no Ulster title in 2020… A steady slide since that great day would lead anyone with an ounce of football knowledge to say that this guy wasn't up to County management…..The team's demise since that proves it yet somehow posters seem willing to applaud mediocrity and continues failure… baffling"
Ah right, so was it the players who decided to bring on Conor Madden or Chris Conroy!!!

I'll put in perspective for you - Terry Hyland 3 Championship match wins in 5 years, Matty McGleenon, none...Mickey Graham, 4 in 2020 alone! Two back to back Ulster Finals since the 1960's, our first Ulster Final win in 25 yrs since 1997.

The team didn't demise at all, that's the level of Cavan Football and it has been since the since early 70s, but once in a while, along comes an odd manager and manages get the best out of what's available, and in Cavan's case, McHugh in 1997 and Graham in 2020.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 13/07/2023 17:13:32    2494183


Mickey had no intention of stepping down it seems but a vote of no confidence was been lodged by several clubs so the CB advised him it would be better to go ….. 5 years is a long enough term for any manager as players get bored of listening to the same voice all the time… I always like the idea of a Cavan man over the team and Mickey delivered us an Ulster title and that's something he will always be remembered for… At the end of the day he over saw a terrible style of football for the last 2/3 years and this ultimately led to his downfall…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 13/07/2023 17:55:07    2494192


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Ah right, so was it the players who decided to bring on Conor Madden or Chris Conroy!!!

I'll put in perspective for you - Terry Hyland 3 Championship match wins in 5 years, Matty McGleenon, none...Mickey Graham, 4 in 2020 alone! Two back to back Ulster Finals since the 1960's, our first Ulster Final win in 25 yrs since 1997.

The team didn't demise at all, that's the level of Cavan Football and it has been since the since early 70s, but once in a while, along comes an odd manager and manages get the best out of what's available, and in Cavan's case, McHugh in 1997 and Graham in 2020."
There is no comparison between the 2 when it comes to management… McHugh took over a team in Division 3 and got to Division 1 and won an Ulster as well while Mickey took over a team in Division 1 and brought them all the way down to the embarrassing depths of Division 4… granted he delivered an Ulster title in 2020 which was a great achievement if how they got there was more than a tad lucky but to compare the 2 in management terms is nothing more than laughable….!!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 13/07/2023 19:29:31    2494213


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Mickey had no intention of stepping down it seems but a vote of no confidence was been lodged by several clubs so the CB advised him it would be better to go ….. 5 years is a long enough term for any manager as players get bored of listening to the same voice all the time… I always like the idea of a Cavan man over the team and Mickey delivered us an Ulster title and that's something he will always be remembered for… At the end of the day he over saw a terrible style of football for the last 2/3 years and this ultimately led to his downfall…"
Total B.S, he was offered another 2 years and he decided to take a break, stop making up lies and nonsense, no vote of of confidence ever took place.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 14/07/2023 09:37:25    2494258


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "There is no comparison between the 2 when it comes to management… McHugh took over a team in Division 3 and got to Division 1 and won an Ulster as well while Mickey took over a team in Division 1 and brought them all the way down to the embarrassing depths of Division 4… granted he delivered an Ulster title in 2020 which was a great achievement if how they got there was more than a tad lucky but to compare the 2 in management terms is nothing more than laughable….!!!"
Where did I compare Graham to McHugh?

I said Graham won more Ulster Championship wins in one season that Hyland and McGleenon combined.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 14/07/2023 09:40:39    2494260


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Total B.S, he was offered another 2 years and he decided to take a break, stop making up lies and nonsense, no vote of of confidence ever took place."
I actually can't believe the lies that fella just spewed, honestly we all need to ignore them

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2423 - 14/07/2023 09:51:27    2494266


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Total B.S, he was offered another 2 years and he decided to take a break, stop making up lies and nonsense, no vote of of confidence ever took place."
The vote of confidence was going to happen if he stayed on…. The CB informed him of this and advised him not to go that far… a CB member told me this himself so you can call him a liar and remain in your own fantasy world…. I prefer reality myself…!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 14/07/2023 10:14:43    2494273


Replying To cavanblueman:  "Total B.S, he was offered another 2 years and he decided to take a break, stop making up lies and nonsense, no vote of of confidence ever took place."
Paul Fitzpatrick said on the We are Cavan podcast a few clubs had reservations about Mickey Graham staying on. He was intending to stay on and had a new backroom team in place

U20s seeking a new management also

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 14/07/2023 12:06:32    2494312


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Paul Fitzpatrick said on the We are Cavan podcast a few clubs had reservations about Mickey Graham staying on. He was intending to stay on and had a new backroom team in place

U20s seeking a new management also"
Larry Reilly is in for the U-20 job I hear as is former senior manager Donal Keogan…. !

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 14/07/2023 12:17:44    2494314


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "The vote of confidence was going to happen if he stayed on…. The CB informed him of this and advised him not to go that far… a CB member told me this himself so you can call him a liar and remain in your own fantasy world…. I prefer reality myself…!"
Just to say, this thread is called Thank You Mickey Graham, so if you are saying anything other than thanking the man then you are on the wrong thread

BreffniGael (Cavan) - Posts: 46 - 14/07/2023 12:37:06    2494324


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Paul Fitzpatrick said on the We are Cavan podcast a few clubs had reservations about Mickey Graham staying on. He was intending to stay on and had a new backroom team in place

U20s seeking a new management also"
Loughduff lad and Cavanblueman take note and maybe your heads out of the sand as well…listen to those informed…!!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 14/07/2023 13:34:45    2494341


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "The vote of confidence was going to happen if he stayed on…. The CB informed him of this and advised him not to go that far… a CB member told me this himself so you can call him a liar and remain in your own fantasy world…. I prefer reality myself…!"
One minute you said there was a vote of confidence, now you're saying there was going to be if he stayed on - you havent a clue, the County Board decide who the manager is, the clubs have no say whatsoever, so stop making a fool out of yourself. I can tell you now, he sat down with the Co Board and was offered another 2 years but declined, I can also tell you what club he is currently coaching and I can tell also that his phone hasnt stopped ringing since he stepped down, and i'll also share his next adventure with you once he confirms it!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 14/07/2023 13:35:06    2494342


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "Larry Reilly is in for the U-20 job I hear as is former senior manager Donal Keogan…. !"
It was posted on facebook last week, hardly news.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 14/07/2023 13:35:45    2494343


Replying To cavanblueman:  "One minute you said there was a vote of confidence, now you're saying there was going to be if he stayed on - you havent a clue, the County Board decide who the manager is, the clubs have no say whatsoever, so stop making a fool out of yourself. I can tell you now, he sat down with the Co Board and was offered another 2 years but declined, I can also tell you what club he is currently coaching and I can tell also that his phone hasnt stopped ringing since he stepped down, and i'll also share his next adventure with you once he confirms it!"
It's you that hasn't a clue…I never said the vote had taken place but it was going to if he remained on .. And if you knew anything you would know he got the 2 years at the end of LAST season so had one completed and wanted the other one but was politely asked to step away before the clubs outed him….Everyone knows the club he is coaching and as regards his next adventure you can keep it to yourself as I doubt too many will be one bit interested….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 14/07/2023 14:09:19    2494353


Replying To cavanblueman:  "It was posted on facebook last week, hardly news."
Probably news to you as you seem to be very poorly informed about anything to with football in Cavan…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 14/07/2023 14:10:39    2494354
