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Cavan Minor And U20s 2023

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Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "If the round robin was in place and we got beaten by a team say in the Final that we already beat we would be complaining that it wasn't a knockout… The same excuses every year as to why we were beaten… bad luck or bad refereeing seems to be the problem…. How about accepting that we are actually not good enough…?"
Not complaining about it. Monaghan deserved the win,stuck at it after a poor start and not as wasteful as Cavan.
But there shouldn't be a different system in 1 Province compared to the others.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 31/03/2023 09:48:06    2467915


Replying To Breffniboys:  "You keep listening to the radio, maybe if you had to go to the match your shout might of got it over the bar instead of dropping short"
Wish I could but over the pond

[email protected] (Cavan) - Posts: 4 - 31/03/2023 10:20:31    2467926


It was a very disappointing result and I feel sorry for the lads and management who have put huge effort in from before Christmas.

I cant fault the management team for any decisions, lads were getting tired and fresh legs were needed.

There's an issue in Cavan Football at all levels and that issue is the lack of intelligence on the pitch. Its an issue at all levels and its the lack of intelligence from some players on the pitch. When you look at the top teams like Kerry and Dublin, you could count on one hand, the numbers of errors made, but its a consistent issue in Cavan. How many times can you tell a lad, dont carry the ball into a tackle, dont take shots if its not on, dont make a pass if its not one, yet they still do it. Its really down to simple football and doing the right things.

Cavan led the match by 2 pts upon til the last 10 minutes, they had a few chances to wrap it up, Monaghan came back and levelled, but then Cavan had a chance to go ahead, corner forward took the wrong decision to go for goal, a simple tap over the bar wouldve put Cavan on the front foot. Monaghan then went ahead, Cavan got possession again, another wrong decision to kick for a point from too far out and then in the dying seconds, corner forward got possession, all he had to was a simple lay off to his right, but he saw glory and went for it himself.

These are the simple decisions that are costly and unfortunately for Cavan Football, its a regular theme over many years.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 31/03/2023 10:31:06    2467931


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Not complaining about it. Monaghan deserved the win,stuck at it after a poor start and not as wasteful as Cavan.
But there shouldn't be a different system in 1 Province compared to the others."
You are correct in saying the system should be the same…but knockout is and was always the best system in Championship…without question in my view..

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 31/03/2023 13:14:09    2467971


Replying To cavanblueman:  "It was a very disappointing result and I feel sorry for the lads and management who have put huge effort in from before Christmas.

I cant fault the management team for any decisions, lads were getting tired and fresh legs were needed.

There's an issue in Cavan Football at all levels and that issue is the lack of intelligence on the pitch. Its an issue at all levels and its the lack of intelligence from some players on the pitch. When you look at the top teams like Kerry and Dublin, you could count on one hand, the numbers of errors made, but its a consistent issue in Cavan. How many times can you tell a lad, dont carry the ball into a tackle, dont take shots if its not on, dont make a pass if its not one, yet they still do it. Its really down to simple football and doing the right things.

Cavan led the match by 2 pts upon til the last 10 minutes, they had a few chances to wrap it up, Monaghan came back and levelled, but then Cavan had a chance to go ahead, corner forward took the wrong decision to go for goal, a simple tap over the bar wouldve put Cavan on the front foot. Monaghan then went ahead, Cavan got possession again, another wrong decision to kick for a point from too far out and then in the dying seconds, corner forward got possession, all he had to was a simple lay off to his right, but he saw glory and went for it himself.

These are the simple decisions that are costly and unfortunately for Cavan Football, its a regular theme over many years."
You are spot on in most of what you say…. Lack of football intelligence cost Mayo 2/3 All Ireland titles… The successful teams take the right options at the right time while also rans end up playing as individuals and therefore can't see the right options…

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 31/03/2023 15:42:53    2468018


Cavan have had this problem for years how many times have good minor teams got beaten by one point in the last minute of games after being the best team over the hour. Unless we are 6 or 7 points the better team we never come out on top same in last years final. Its all in the mind a bad tyrone team or an underperforming tyrone team still believe they will beat any Cavan team and this confidence often gets them over the line.

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 31/03/2023 20:25:52    2468053


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "Cavan have had this problem for years how many times have good minor teams got beaten by one point in the last minute of games after being the best team over the hour. Unless we are 6 or 7 points the better team we never come out on top same in last years final. Its all in the mind a bad tyrone team or an underperforming tyrone team still believe they will beat any Cavan team and this confidence often gets them over the line."
Very accurate. On Wednesday evening going into the last 10 we all knew how it was going to go unfortunately. It's probably the same with our seniors, look at Donegal last year.. We need a 5 plus margin or we are in trouble. We will always find ways to lose.
Opposition teams must be thinking at half time we haven't even played yet and were only a point down here.
Maybe our teams are too over coached and spoon fed everything. Rigioursly sticking to a process and systems when sometimes in them last few minutes you need to be brave, embrace the chaos and think outside the box.
Good systems will make you competitive but leaders and individuals will win you games when it's there to be won.

asdfg (Cavan) - Posts: 320 - 01/04/2023 10:10:47    2468083


Replying To asdfg:  "Very dissapointing stuff last night, If that's our strongest panel in 10 years then things aren't looking great.
It's like groundhog day following Cavan teams, bad decesion making, too many wides/dropped shorts, dodgey referee decesions and silly fouls.
At some point it has to stop becoming unlucky."
If this was our strongest panel in years just think what could have been achieved if we actually had the best players in the county on the panel!!!

aceofspades (Cavan) - Posts: 256 - 03/04/2023 17:44:21    2468628


Replying To aceofspades:  "If this was our strongest panel in years just think what could have been achieved if we actually had the best players in the county on the panel!!!"
Who was missing from the panel that should've been on it?

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 11/04/2023 14:11:23    2470265


Down comfortably beat Monaghan. Down are well coached with Laverty as manager.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2781 - 13/04/2023 09:38:24    2470700


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Down comfortably beat Monaghan. Down are well coached with Laverty as manager."
Monaghan were never up to much… they struggled badly to beat Antrim and if we had anything about us we would have beaten them… that's not to say we were going to go any further anyway…!

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 13/04/2023 09:57:36    2470709


More underage disappointment today… A good come back but as usual we come up short… When you can only manage 1pt from play ( Tyrone notched 1-8 ) in the opening 50 minutes at home then you are asking for trouble….

ForeverBlue2 (Cavan) - Posts: 2340 - 15/04/2023 19:08:23    2471106


Replying To ForeverBlue2:  "More underage disappointment today… A good come back but as usual we come up short… When you can only manage 1pt from play ( Tyrone notched 1-8 ) in the opening 50 minutes at home then you are asking for trouble…."
Cavan are guaranteed a Q/Final anyway. Poor first half but a spirited 2nd half and couldve almost clinched the draw or a win but for some individual errors. Two of the original starting line up were also pulled due to injury. Antrim and Armagh next for them so lets hope some good performances coming up.

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 17/04/2023 14:41:03    2471393
