Cavan Forum

Should The Big 4 Get A Bye Into The County Championship Quarter Finals

(Oldest Posts First)

Tomsmith here

I am a supporter of Cavan Gaels who may have been the best team in Cavan for the past 20 years ( see my other post in relation to this ). I feel it is unfair to other teams to have to play and sometimes get slaughtered by a star studded team like the Gaels. So I would propose that the big 4 clubs get a bye into the quarter final. This would avoid these smaller clubs getting/suffering big defeats, Also these smaller clubs would not get star struck when playing the 4 big teams in the Cavan Championship as they would already have afew games played and comming up against the big clubs would not be as daunting..

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 18/01/2022 13:24:46    2395438


i agree tom and hopefully the gaels will get to play one of them in the quarterfinal if by some miracle the get to that stage

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 483 - 18/01/2022 13:39:17    2395441



Tomsmith here

Well its great that no one objected to my proposal and sure it could be implemented without delay in the Senior Championship if not this year as soon as possible..
How to pick the top 4 biggest clubs in Cavan could be selected by the two clubs who won most in the past 20 years plus the County finalists of the previous year.. All the other would go into the qualifiers ......

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 19/01/2022 09:53:15    2395534


Replying To tomsmith:  "Breffniblueandwhite

Tomsmith here

Well its great that no one objected to my proposal and sure it could be implemented without delay in the Senior Championship if not this year as soon as possible..
How to pick the top 4 biggest clubs in Cavan could be selected by the two clubs who won most in the past 20 years plus the County finalists of the previous year.. All the other would go into the qualifiers ......"
Obviously this is all an absolute joke take, but I'm biting for the craic. What has winning a title 20 years got to do with a current championship? You're only as good as your last Championship, not up to 20 years ago. Sure Castlerahan have won 2 of the last 4 and they're not playing Senior this season... Stick to what we have, maybe seeding on the last years championship, that's it.

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2456 - 19/01/2022 10:59:24    2395560


Why stop at the last 20 years? Why not go by all time winners. It's only fair that cornafean get into a senior quarter final automatically

packing (Cavan) - Posts: 31 - 19/01/2022 12:44:58    2395589


Loughduff lad of 1179 and Novice Packing Cavan

Tomsmith here,,,,

I have to take that both of you are flippant in your comments about selecting the top 4 teams. It odious that you both try and pick holes in my brilliant suggestion and make no effort of your own suggestions.
If you look at it what good does it do for a small Country Club to get a big hammering from a Town team.
I say give it a try and sure this is only a working document that can be fined tuned

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 19/01/2022 21:11:27    2395673


Replying To tomsmith:  "Loughduff lad of 1179 and Novice Packing Cavan

Tomsmith here,,,,

I have to take that both of you are flippant in your comments about selecting the top 4 teams. It odious that you both try and pick holes in my brilliant suggestion and make no effort of your own suggestions.
If you look at it what good does it do for a small Country Club to get a big hammering from a Town team.
I say give it a try and sure this is only a working document that can be fined tuned"
Tis your own proposal that is flippant. Why would results from 20 years ago be applied to a current championship? We've a good championship. It's not perfect, but changes like you propose would be truly ridiculous. Even though I know you're not serious and just looking for a rise.

Loughduff Lad (Cavan) - Posts: 2456 - 26/01/2022 11:12:37    2396514


Replying To Loughduff Lad:  "Tis your own proposal that is flippant. Why would results from 20 years ago be applied to a current championship? We've a good championship. It's not perfect, but changes like you propose would be truly ridiculous. Even though I know you're not serious and just looking for a rise."
Loughduff Lad

Toimsmith here.
I see that you are are not against my proposals but simply take issue about we could select the best teams 20 years ago. What I was saying is that take the past 20 tears so that would be from 2021 back to 2001 you could select the best 4 teams. . So just for clarification it not the best team in 2001 its the best 4 teams since 2001.. Hope that is clearer now for you ..

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 26/01/2022 19:22:56    2396625


Replying To tomsmith:  "Loughduff Lad

Toimsmith here.
I see that you are are not against my proposals but simply take issue about we could select the best teams 20 years ago. What I was saying is that take the past 20 tears so that would be from 2021 back to 2001 you could select the best 4 teams. . So just for clarification it not the best team in 2001 its the best 4 teams since 2001.. Hope that is clearer now for you .."
You shouldn't even need to clarify Tom. I thought it was loud and clear.

It's a simple but sensible approach. If I was to evaluate the teams based on performance over the last 20 years, then I'd use the following criteria:

Ramor. The current champions. And obvious one really as they are currently the best side in the county on that basis.

Castlerahan. You are 100% right, a bad 2021 shouldn't see the team that made 5 consecutive finals, winning 2 of them, miss out. We're looking at more than one year in isolation.

Crosserlough. New to the top table I suppose, but their underage success over the last number of years makes them an automatic choice. Their current side have 1 senior title and the potential to add plenty more.

So that's the 3 obvious ones. The 4th spot is a real tricky one.
Of course I considered your beloved Cavan Gaels. I also considered Gowna, Mullahoran and Kingscourt.
I've used very fair criteria above; current champions, a trend of recent competitiveness, unrivalled underage success. . .

My last, and probably most important criteria was "who have let Cavan football down the least on the Ulster club scene?"
So that rules Cavan Gaels out unfortunately.

I'm struggling to split the other 3, so I'm happy to allow them draw lots. It's the fairest way.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 27/01/2022 15:18:38    2396742


Replying To cavanman47:  "You shouldn't even need to clarify Tom. I thought it was loud and clear.

It's a simple but sensible approach. If I was to evaluate the teams based on performance over the last 20 years, then I'd use the following criteria:

Ramor. The current champions. And obvious one really as they are currently the best side in the county on that basis.

Castlerahan. You are 100% right, a bad 2021 shouldn't see the team that made 5 consecutive finals, winning 2 of them, miss out. We're looking at more than one year in isolation.

Crosserlough. New to the top table I suppose, but their underage success over the last number of years makes them an automatic choice. Their current side have 1 senior title and the potential to add plenty more.

So that's the 3 obvious ones. The 4th spot is a real tricky one.
Of course I considered your beloved Cavan Gaels. I also considered Gowna, Mullahoran and Kingscourt.
I've used very fair criteria above; current champions, a trend of recent competitiveness, unrivalled underage success. . .

My last, and probably most important criteria was "who have let Cavan football down the least on the Ulster club scene?"
So that rules Cavan Gaels out unfortunately.

I'm struggling to split the other 3, so I'm happy to allow them draw lots. It's the fairest way."
Cavanman 47

Tomsmith here
I see you have 4 yes 4000 odd posts and as such you are also asenior poster ( like myself) and as such your post should contain factual information.
I just cannot understand how you would relegate Cavan Gaels Club to a toss up among other clubs.
The Gaels ( As they are known in Cavan Town ) are a wonderful club who over the years have suffered from lack of competition within Cavan County.
Also all the players who want/wish to transfer in makes some players uncomfortable within the Club.
This is not an excuse for us not winning more Cavan Senior championship its an explanation.

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 19/05/2022 17:47:07    2418796


Replying To tomsmith:  "Cavanman 47

Tomsmith here
I see you have 4 yes 4000 odd posts and as such you are also asenior poster ( like myself) and as such your post should contain factual information.
I just cannot understand how you would relegate Cavan Gaels Club to a toss up among other clubs.
The Gaels ( As they are known in Cavan Town ) are a wonderful club who over the years have suffered from lack of competition within Cavan County.
Also all the players who want/wish to transfer in makes some players uncomfortable within the Club.
This is not an excuse for us not winning more Cavan Senior championship its an explanation."
That's a very factual post Tom, fair play.

cavanman47 (Cavan) - Posts: 5238 - 21/05/2022 11:09:10    2419118



Tomsmith here
Cavanman 47 as a fellow senior poster (like myself) I apologize ( and I know to apologize is a sign of weakness) to you for not crediting you with the correct number of Posts. While i simply said over 4000 post. I should have been more specific and indeed I will be so in futire now that I know how sensitive you are to your mammoth posting haul
Keep up the good work and always avail of a good friend before you press the send button

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 31/05/2022 18:55:14    2421461


Replying To tomsmith:  "Cavanman47

Tomsmith here
Cavanman 47 as a fellow senior poster (like myself) I apologize ( and I know to apologize is a sign of weakness) to you for not crediting you with the correct number of Posts. While i simply said over 4000 post. I should have been more specific and indeed I will be so in futire now that I know how sensitive you are to your mammoth posting haul
Keep up the good work and always avail of a good friend before you press the send button"
Tomsmith here

My post of the 18 th January is spot on the Money when you see the Gaels and Gowns playing out a trilling draw last night.

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 18/09/2022 13:32:21    2441025



It's a very sensible idea but I feel your perspective is anchored in the past - the concept should be future looking and the four elite teams should include the U-17 champions which is a clear indicator of who will the the powerhouse in the future

My alteration is vindicated by the resurgence of killygarry in this years championship - Strong underage teams over the past 2/3 years featuring the Lovetts, mooneys, Brady, o Reilly , McDermott culminating in last years tithe Surely mean the future is Black @ Red.

My other proposal is that In seeding the top four only scores from home fostered players should count

ruanua (Donegal) - Posts: 4966 - 18/09/2022 21:42:07    2441102


gaels as usual with a very soft under belly tom

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 483 - 18/09/2022 21:48:24    2441106


Swad man can only do so much to keep them afloat

JamsieMac (Cavan) - Posts: 482 - 19/09/2022 18:28:58    2441256


all you can do is giggle

ponger (Cavan) - Posts: 546 - 25/09/2022 20:21:46    2441841


Tomsmith here live from the Imperial the home of good Posts.
It was only brought to my notice by the great Mrs T that some disagee with the big four getting a bye .
Well I can tell you it woulf make for agreat quarter final with the big four Clubs waiting n the wings .
While the Country players may be star struck ( Overawed by meeting a big/good Town team) playing against the big teams .
That is the downside of my suggestion

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 4001 - 26/11/2022 19:47:02    2448799
