Cavan Forum

Tattoos On Cavan Gaa Players

(Oldest Posts First)

Tomsmith here

I just see a thing that I feel needs nipped in the bud and that is the obscene display of artwork on players arms on some the Cavan football Club teams. I feel that this sort of thing is more associated with a particular type of supporter(across Channel) who views going to games as an outlet for being loud and abusive to other fans. I always remember the first Man with a Tattoo that I saw was a man returning from being on the Boats. He was described as a mind boggling bore about al the big Cities he seen ( all be it from the water) and the rough seas he endured. He had all his arms covered in art work ,, Well I hope the Gaa clamp down on this obscene display ... I see Love across the fingers of players or on the arms art like ...Love Mary... or Breffni for Ever...or the old hammer and sickle or Harp seems to be a favourite

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 05/08/2021 15:54:51    2367991


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I just see a thing that I feel needs nipped in the bud and that is the obscene display of artwork on players arms on some the Cavan football Club teams. I feel that this sort of thing is more associated with a particular type of supporter(across Channel) who views going to games as an outlet for being loud and abusive to other fans. I always remember the first Man with a Tattoo that I saw was a man returning from being on the Boats. He was described as a mind boggling bore about al the big Cities he seen ( all be it from the water) and the rough seas he endured. He had all his arms covered in art work ,, Well I hope the Gaa clamp down on this obscene display ... I see Love across the fingers of players or on the arms art like ...Love Mary... or Breffni for Ever...or the old hammer and sickle or Harp seems to be a favourite"
That's an absolute gem Tom! Lol.

thegadfly (Cavan) - Posts: 290 - 07/08/2021 22:33:46    2368663


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I just see a thing that I feel needs nipped in the bud and that is the obscene display of artwork on players arms on some the Cavan football Club teams. I feel that this sort of thing is more associated with a particular type of supporter(across Channel) who views going to games as an outlet for being loud and abusive to other fans. I always remember the first Man with a Tattoo that I saw was a man returning from being on the Boats. He was described as a mind boggling bore about al the big Cities he seen ( all be it from the water) and the rough seas he endured. He had all his arms covered in art work ,, Well I hope the Gaa clamp down on this obscene display ... I see Love across the fingers of players or on the arms art like ...Love Mary... or Breffni for Ever...or the old hammer and sickle or Harp seems to be a favourite"
ring liveline and have a chat to the other old fogies about it..

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1722 - 08/08/2021 15:08:27    2368835


Replying To thegadfly:  "That's an absolute gem Tom! Lol."
I'd nip in here occasionally to see what's troubling the great man and he rarely disappoints.
This hasn't gone quite as anticipated so a revisit to the divisional teams issue could be on the cards.

Boxtyeater (Leitrim) - Posts: 727 - 16/08/2021 19:54:59    2372135


Tomsmith here

I just wonder could the Gaa Referee be part of the solution if he were t say to a player cover up (Send him to the line ) ie these Tattoos covered as the may cause a distraction to opposition players trying to read " LOVE MARY" HATE or indeed to see fellows with Ex partners or indeed one fellow had his ex Wife's name badly embossed with a message to all new suitors attached.

Let the Gaa at County level be a forerunner in curtailing this obscene display of artwork before it gets out of hand excuse the pun

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 03/10/2021 21:18:39    2384310


knitting tom give it a go

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 483 - 04/10/2021 10:00:09    2384332


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I just see a thing that I feel needs nipped in the bud and that is the obscene display of artwork on players arms on some the Cavan football Club teams. I feel that this sort of thing is more associated with a particular type of supporter(across Channel) who views going to games as an outlet for being loud and abusive to other fans. I always remember the first Man with a Tattoo that I saw was a man returning from being on the Boats. He was described as a mind boggling bore about al the big Cities he seen ( all be it from the water) and the rough seas he endured. He had all his arms covered in art work ,, Well I hope the Gaa clamp down on this obscene display ... I see Love across the fingers of players or on the arms art like ...Love Mary... or Breffni for Ever...or the old hammer and sickle or Harp seems to be a favourite"
I do not like tattoos but it is up to everybody to decide. As a monaghan man I would must perfer if there was no cavan rather tattoos

Bernardo (Monaghan) - Posts: 604 - 07/10/2021 11:51:26    2384713


Replying To Bernardo:  "I do not like tattoos but it is up to everybody to decide. As a monaghan man I would must perfer if there was no cavan rather tattoos"
You didn't need to tell us you're a Monaghan man, we can see that with your literacy skills...

an_cearrbhach (Cavan) - Posts: 28 - 11/10/2021 20:50:58    2385292


Replying To an_cearrbhach:  "You didn't need to tell us you're a Monaghan man, we can see that with your literacy skills..."
Tomsmith here

an_cearrbhach (Cavan) - of 22 posts
Nil sin ionta deas .. ie that is not too too tooo nice of you to refer to one literacy skills.
As one myself that is devoid of good literacy sk fools ""ills but still a senior poster on H/S for many years. I can say That I agreed with the old saying """" that good penmanship is the art of fools or should it be Tools"""
So an_cearrbhach (Cavan) -learn to respect others weakness.....
should take a stand against Tattoos

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 19/10/2021 10:36:34    2386203


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

an_cearrbhach (Cavan) - of 22 posts
Nil sin ionta deas .. ie that is not too too tooo nice of you to refer to one literacy skills.
As one myself that is devoid of good literacy sk fools ""ills but still a senior poster on H/S for many years. I can say That I agreed with the old saying """" that good penmanship is the art of fools or should it be Tools"""
So an_cearrbhach (Cavan) -learn to respect others weakness.....
should take a stand against Tattoos"
Tomsmith here

an_cearrbhach (Cavan) - of 22 posts
Nil sin ionta deas .. ie that is not too too tooo nice of you to refer to one literacy skills.
As one myself that is devoid of good literacy sk fools ""ills but still a senior poster on H/S for many years. I can say That I agreed with the old saying """" that good penmanship is the art of fools or should it be Tools"""
So an_cearrbhach (Cavan) -learn to respect others weakness.....
should take a stand against Tattoos
tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3329 - 19/10/2021 10:36:34 2386203

Hear Hear well said Tomsmith

RHF (Cavan) - Posts: 879 - 19/10/2021 16:48:53    2386311


Replying To RHF:  "Tomsmith here

an_cearrbhach (Cavan) - of 22 posts
Nil sin ionta deas .. ie that is not too too tooo nice of you to refer to one literacy skills.
As one myself that is devoid of good literacy sk fools ""ills but still a senior poster on H/S for many years. I can say That I agreed with the old saying """" that good penmanship is the art of fools or should it be Tools"""
So an_cearrbhach (Cavan) -learn to respect others weakness.....
should take a stand against Tattoos
tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3329 - 19/10/2021 10:36:34 2386203

Hear Hear well said Tomsmith"
Tomsmith here

I see that that the Irish Government is prohibiting a lot of the Ink used in Tattoos .
Perhaps if the would ban a lot of the words used it would also be beneficial.
A lot of the stuff on players bodies is a distraction to other [players

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3999 - 06/01/2022 12:43:30    2393796
