Cavan Forum

Club Leagues For 2021

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Replying To Allrevvedup:  "And nobody cares either. No wonder Cavan football is in the state its in. Just look at the club u 20 leagues. Half the clubs didnt enter a team and the half that did enter are conceding games left right and centre. In fairness this competition was a last minute decision by the county board. Bit strange only 3 teams in one of the Divisions. How could u celebrate winning that Division;"
There is one team promoted and no team relegated.
The Under 20 competition has Ramor Utd in Division 2 and Cavan Gaels can't even field a team. It's a mess, Solutions from The great Tom Smith

Breffnisbest (Cavan) - Posts: 472 - 11/08/2021 14:32:26    2369863


I see the Junior final between Denn and Templeport on this weekend, ive been away from the clubscene for a while so can somebody enlighten me on who might be tipped to win this one, how both teams are performing etc?

I guess whoever loses it will automatically be favourites when 2021 championships resume in september?

HuddHastings (Longford) - Posts: 144 - 19/08/2021 11:18:00    2372979


Replying To Breffnisbest:  "There is one team promoted and no team relegated.
The Under 20 competition has Ramor Utd in Division 2 and Cavan Gaels can't even field a team. It's a mess, Solutions from The great Tom Smith"
Tomsmith here

Sure do we need promotion and relegation.
Can we not go one year without it.
Sure next year Covid could be a thing of the past

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 19/08/2021 11:27:22    2372984


Replying To Views:  "Killygarry are the up and coming team in Cavan with huge numbers and indoor training facility on the way. In 5 years time there will be calls to split killygarry in two with the talent that is coming through. If they win one senior they will win ten."
You might want to re-visit you post! Up and coming and just about avoided relegation!

cavanblueman (Cavan) - Posts: 636 - 13/10/2021 13:36:01    2385507


Replying To cavanblueman:  "You might want to re-visit you post! Up and coming and just about avoided relegation!"
Small blip- comment still stands. The relegation test will stand to the young players and they showed grit to get through.

Views (Cavan) - Posts: 21 - 14/10/2021 11:30:45    2385615
