Cavan Forum

Could We Start A Training Fund With What Supporters Have Saved To Date

(Oldest Posts First)

Tomsmith here

I just wonder would it be possible to start a training fund for our majestic team that has done us proud ( grown men crying while being interviewed on the Television after the Ulster final). Never was an Ulster final won against all odds. Youse have done us proud. With that in mind I am suggesting that we start a training fund with what we supporters have saved .
Look no trip to the Monaghan game no programme or eats
No trip to the Down Game no programme no eats
No trip to the Armagh game no programme no eats
No trip up to Dublin no tolls no programme no eats

That is surely a substantial saving on supporters, I dont know how / what value you could put on it .

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 23/11/2020 10:30:07    2313708


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I just wonder would it be possible to start a training fund for our majestic team that has done us proud ( grown men crying while being interviewed on the Television after the Ulster final). Never was an Ulster final won against all odds. Youse have done us proud. With that in mind I am suggesting that we start a training fund with what we supporters have saved .
Look no trip to the Monaghan game no programme or eats
No trip to the Down Game no programme no eats
No trip to the Armagh game no programme no eats
No trip up to Dublin no tolls no programme no eats

That is surely a substantial saving on supporters, I dont know how / what value you could put on it ."
Just lets do it

declankillann (Dublin) - Posts: 83 - 23/11/2020 20:33:22    2314272


Replying To declankillann:  "Just lets do it
Tomsmith here

Fully agree lets get started , The usual Church gate collection option is no longer available neither is a bring and buy sale or indeed auction a Heifer was a big money raiser for many people with Marts sort of closed it would be ano go .. I just dont know how to get it going. If Public Houses were open these would be a great starting point. What about Post Offices on a Friday ?
Just a few ideas have you anything better to offer

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 24/11/2020 10:14:42    2314500


Replying To tomsmith:  "Declankillan
Tomsmith here

Fully agree lets get started , The usual Church gate collection option is no longer available neither is a bring and buy sale or indeed auction a Heifer was a big money raiser for many people with Marts sort of closed it would be ano go .. I just dont know how to get it going. If Public Houses were open these would be a great starting point. What about Post Offices on a Friday ?
Just a few ideas have you anything better to offer"
the County Treasurer could open a special bank account and invite the supporters to lodge into it. As an old age pensioner l am prepared to put a three figure sum into it because Sunday's win has done more for my well being than all the pills l have swallowed in the past years. COME ON THE BLUES.
By the way l have complained to Croke Park about the standard of refereeing on Sunday.

declankillann (Dublin) - Posts: 83 - 24/11/2020 11:26:07    2314556


we are from cavan all we have saved is a few tea bags and flask of hot water

breffnibluewhite (Cavan) - Posts: 463 - 24/11/2020 15:10:56    2314729


Replying To breffnibluewhite:  "we are from cavan all we have saved is a few tea bags and flask of hot water"
What bout the hangsangiges?

declankillann (Dublin) - Posts: 83 - 24/11/2020 20:02:38    2314933


Hard luck Tom. No bites on this thread. I'm looking forward to your next effort though. That one about the garvahy road flag got great traction. I have to hand it to you for that one. Lol

thegadfly (Cavan) - Posts: 290 - 03/12/2020 23:23:20    2318045


Replying To thegadfly:  "Hard luck Tom. No bites on this thread. I'm looking forward to your next effort though. That one about the garvahy road flag got great traction. I have to hand it to you for that one. Lol"
The Gad Fly of 124 post

Tomsmith here

I would normally respond to your caustic/comedian remarks on this except l not this time. I my opinion if one had to run treads by someone for content and correctness very few treads ( 124 case inpoint) would be posted. I have to commend you on your spelling but grammar ough. I just say get a good friend to read your post before pressing the send button

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 06/12/2020 16:04:27    2319224


Replying To thegadfly:  "Hard luck Tom. No bites on this thread. I'm looking forward to your next effort though. That one about the garvahy road flag got great traction. I have to hand it to you for that one. Lol"
The Gad Fly of 124 post

Tomsmith here

I would normally respond to your caustic/comedian remarks on this except l not this time. I my opinion if one had to run treads by someone for content and correctness very few treads ( 124 case inpoint) would be posted. I have to commend you on your spelling but grammar ough. I just say get a good friend to read your post before pressing the send button

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 06/12/2020 16:04:27    2319225


Replying To tomsmith:  "The Gad Fly of 124 post

Tomsmith here

I would normally respond to your caustic/comedian remarks on this except l not this time. I my opinion if one had to run treads by someone for content and correctness very few treads ( 124 case inpoint) would be posted. I have to commend you on your spelling but grammar ough. I just say get a good friend to read your post before pressing the send button"
Sorry "Tom", with all due respect I don't really understand the meaning of your post. I honestly don't.
It's just strange to me that you never actually comment on the actual football or congratulate Cavan on playing well or point out where we went wrong as regards tactics or stuff like that.
It's always these wacky threads that you start up about Cavan Gaels or other controversial posts with deliberate bad spelling and grammar.
I have to admit that I find some of it amusing though.
Everyone knows you are a troll Tom.

thegadfly (Cavan) - Posts: 290 - 10/01/2021 15:39:43    2326888


Replying To tomsmith:  "Tomsmith here

I just wonder would it be possible to start a training fund for our majestic team that has done us proud ( grown men crying while being interviewed on the Television after the Ulster final). Never was an Ulster final won against all odds. Youse have done us proud. With that in mind I am suggesting that we start a training fund with what we supporters have saved .
Look no trip to the Monaghan game no programme or eats
No trip to the Down Game no programme no eats
No trip to the Armagh game no programme no eats
No trip up to Dublin no tolls no programme no eats

That is surely a substantial saving on supporters, I dont know how / what value you could put on it ."
Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 30/01/2021 19:04:30    2329760


Replying To blueman1903:  "Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week."
Blueman 1903
Tomsmith here from Cavan Gaels

Let me tell you that it was agreat saving on supporters this year.
But what would one not give to be at the Ulster Final when we beat Donegal out the gate
It was odious stuff and I hope that we will repeat it in 2021

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 20/02/2021 19:29:14    2332176


Replying To blueman1903:  "Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week."
Blueman 1903
Tomsmith here from Cavan Gaels

Let me tell you that it was agreat saving on supporters this year.
But what would one not give to be at the Ulster Final when we beat Donegal out the gate
It was odious stuff and I hope that we will repeat it in 2021

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 20/02/2021 19:29:24    2332177


Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week.
blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 767

Tomsmith here

Blueman tickets for anything will be hard to sell after the WIC K(Low) defeat yesterday

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 13/06/2021 15:56:16    2350226


Replying To tomsmith:  "Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week.
blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 767

Tomsmith here

Blueman tickets for anything will be hard to sell after the WIC K(Low) defeat yesterday"
That's for sure Tom, luckily they had the car draw done.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 14/06/2021 09:29:26    2350633


Replying To tomsmith:  "Now Tom you can buy lots of tickets for the new fund raiser for all Cavan teams the county board have out this week.
blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 767

Tomsmith here

Blueman tickets for anything will be hard to sell after the WIC K(Low) defeat yesterday"
took a gaels man to bring cavan so low...

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1697 - 17/06/2021 13:19:23    2351620


Agh begorrag Wishfullthing
Tomsmith here

I take it your comemt is just made in jest to Tomsmith who supported Cavan Gaels in good and not so good time. Tomsmith is atrue and loyal supporter of the greatest team in Cavan in the past 30 years.
But back to the training fund.. It would be a great indea to get it going now when we need it most. If you look at all the money that was saved over the past 2 years by all supporters it would amount to a lot of money... Wishfulthinking any idea how we could get it going

tomsmith (Cavan) - Posts: 3924 - 31/07/2021 11:36:04    2366033
