Cavan Forum

Cavan Under 20 Club Championship

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Friday 8th November

McEvoys SuperValu Virginia Under 20 Championship

Division 2

Round 2
Laragh Utd V Castlerahan
3G Pitch at 8.45pm

Saturday 9th November
McEvoys SuperValu Virginia Under 20 Championship
Division 2
Round 4

Kingscourt Stars V Killann Gaels at 2pm

Sunday 10th November
McEvoys SuperValu Virginia Under 20 Championship
Division 1
Round 3

Crosserlough V Assan Gaels at 12pm

Cavan Gaels V Ramor United at 12pm

Knockbride V Southern Gaels at 2.30pm
Division 2
Round 4

Castlerahan V St. Joseph's at 2pm

Erne Gaels V Killygarry at 2pm

Blackwater Gaels V Dernacrieve Gaels at 2pm

Division 3
Round 3
Denn V Ballinagh at 12pm

Templeport V Ballyhaise at 2pm

Breffnisbest (Cavan) - Posts: 474 - 08/11/2019 11:58:52    2248549


My god what has happened to templeport u 17 and u20 have great players but keep getting hammered in games who is over then ?

Tempot (Cavan) - Posts: 31 - 16/11/2019 21:50:24    2249928


Replying To Tempot:  "My god what has happened to templeport u 17 and u20 have great players but keep getting hammered in games who is over then ?"
They were hammered by a fairly decent Cucus side the other day. I'll have to take your word for it that Templeport have great players cause I wouldn't know much about them

IamADragon (Cavan) - Posts: 306 - 19/11/2019 15:43:45    2250343


Can someone/anyone post up what team make up the amalgamations please...cheers.

Division 1
St Aidan's -
Lough Uachtar Gaels -
Assan Gaels -
Southern Gaels -

Division 2
Erne Gaels -
St Joseph's -
Blackwater Gaels -
Dernacrieve Gaels -
Killann Gaels -

Division 3
Naomh Brid -

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1722 - 25/11/2019 12:52:26    2251303


Replying To wishfulthinkin:  "Can someone/anyone post up what team make up the amalgamations please...cheers.

Division 1
St Aidan's -
Lough Uachtar Gaels -
Assan Gaels -
Southern Gaels -

Division 2
Erne Gaels -
St Joseph's -
Blackwater Gaels -
Dernacrieve Gaels -
Killann Gaels -

Division 3
Naomh Brid -"
Division 1
St Aidan's - Templeport St. Aidan's & St. Aidans Comprehensive School, Cootehill
Lough Uachtar Gaels - Drumlane & Belturbet
Assan Gaels - Lavey & a young Cusack lad from Killinkere
Southern Gaels - Lacken & Gowna

Division 2
Erne Gaels - Blacklion & Belcoo
St Joseph's - A selction of teams from the "bandit country" area on the longford border
Blackwater Gaels - Munterconnaught, Moynalty, Maghera & players who have recently moved to Maghera from Ramor.
Dernacrieve Gaels - Cavan Gaels & Swanlinbar
Killann Gaels - Past & Present Attendees of Bailieborough Community School

Division 3
Naomh Brid - Drumalee & Knockbride B's

PatTheDandy (Cavan) - Posts: 356 - 25/11/2019 13:56:58    2251325


Replying To PatTheDandy:  "Division 1
St Aidan's - Templeport St. Aidan's & St. Aidans Comprehensive School, Cootehill
Lough Uachtar Gaels - Drumlane & Belturbet
Assan Gaels - Lavey & a young Cusack lad from Killinkere
Southern Gaels - Lacken & Gowna

Division 2
Erne Gaels - Blacklion & Belcoo
St Joseph's - A selction of teams from the "bandit country" area on the longford border
Blackwater Gaels - Munterconnaught, Moynalty, Maghera & players who have recently moved to Maghera from Ramor.
Dernacrieve Gaels - Cavan Gaels & Swanlinbar
Killann Gaels - Past & Present Attendees of Bailieborough Community School

Division 3
Naomh Brid - Drumalee & Knockbride B's"
Cheers very much

wishfulthinkin (Cavan) - Posts: 1722 - 26/11/2019 10:05:26    2251488


Is the rumor through that several clubs have started or brought on minors as a result of low panel numbers in the U 20 championship and the county board are punishing them. I was at the Crosserlough game v Ramor and there was some excellent football played. I recognized at least 3 minors who were underage but well fit to play. The game was played in great spirit and both teams showed great gamesmanship at the end. There were also at least another division 1 team that played an underage player and 2 clubs in lower divisions that I am aware of. If the county board are going out of their way to punish these teams then they should be ashamed of themselves. The under 20 championship has been run well this year. The first time in years and they want to ruin it. I hope I am wrong but this has been said back to me on more that one occasions. Eyeball

eyeball (Cavan) - Posts: 85 - 29/11/2019 16:20:07    2252123


Replying To eyeball:  "Is the rumor through that several clubs have started or brought on minors as a result of low panel numbers in the U 20 championship and the county board are punishing them. I was at the Crosserlough game v Ramor and there was some excellent football played. I recognized at least 3 minors who were underage but well fit to play. The game was played in great spirit and both teams showed great gamesmanship at the end. There were also at least another division 1 team that played an underage player and 2 clubs in lower divisions that I am aware of. If the county board are going out of their way to punish these teams then they should be ashamed of themselves. The under 20 championship has been run well this year. The first time in years and they want to ruin it. I hope I am wrong but this has been said back to me on more that one occasions. Eyeball"
'If the county board are going out of their way to punish these teams then they should be ashamed'

How does this statement make sense. Some teams who have followed the rules about no underage players have missed out on a semi final spot because of some "allowed" teams have broken the rules. As a result one division one semi is not confirmed.

culchie123 (Cavan) - Posts: 17 - 29/11/2019 17:17:23    2252134


Replying To culchie123:  "'If the county board are going out of their way to punish these teams then they should be ashamed'

How does this statement make sense. Some teams who have followed the rules about no underage players have missed out on a semi final spot because of some "allowed" teams have broken the rules. As a result one division one semi is not confirmed."
I'm not sure what team you are referring to that missed out on semi finals due to not playing "underage " players. From what I've been told most of the teams who didn't amalgamate have played underage players in order to fulfil fixtures . I've nothing at all against amalgamations and think at this particular age group they make sense . The word is there is only one team in the county who have had an issue. This team have zero points in the competition and their grievance was driven by an executive in their club which their own players were disgusted by .im not trying to cause an argument just a cavan football fan living in Virginia (not a ramor man) wanting to keep young players playing the game . eyeball

eyeball (Cavan) - Posts: 85 - 29/11/2019 19:29:11    2252148


Replying To culchie123:  "'If the county board are going out of their way to punish these teams then they should be ashamed'

How does this statement make sense. Some teams who have followed the rules about no underage players have missed out on a semi final spot because of some "allowed" teams have broken the rules. As a result one division one semi is not confirmed."
I doubt this is the reason division 1 semi final is not scheduled this weekend. Sure why punish ramor for playing underage player and I believe gaels did too and not postpone other semi where teams did the same.

eyeball (Cavan) - Posts: 85 - 29/11/2019 19:47:45    2252150


Why are they waiting to play it at Christmas? Only nonsense playing 4 group games. Dragging it out.
Was a good competition as knock out.

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2856 - 29/11/2019 20:24:22    2252152


Replying To FoolsGold:  "Why are they waiting to play it at Christmas? Only nonsense playing 4 group games. Dragging it out.
Was a good competition as knock out."
Completely disagree . County board wanted to give this age group some respect and fair play to them for running it on a league basis because it gave lads football who may not have played all year . It has been very well run up to now and I just hope they don't go and ruin all the good work . Eyeball

eyeball (Cavan) - Posts: 85 - 29/11/2019 21:13:33    2252157


Why have 5 teams in Division 3 with 4 progessing to a Semi. Though at least 4 out of the 5 aren't amalgamations.
Its good for keeping players involved, I'd agree. As there is a drop off rate especially with Minor now u17

FoolsGold (Cavan) - Posts: 2856 - 29/11/2019 21:48:40    2252162


Such a farce - So much for trying to get players to represent their clubs .... How can any one reconcile a sanction of a 2 point deduction for playing an "underage" 16 year old player in an U20 game. If it was a 21 year old maybe, but a 16 year old, get real ! with the result that the Gaels are thrown out ! Getting more like the Gulag here !

Going back 30 years ago, all clubs played lads as young as 15 in the U21 grade. This is just crazy !

Jampot (Cavan) - Posts: 76 - 02/12/2019 20:35:29    2252790


Or maybe Gaels should follow these "national" rules like everyone else?

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 02/12/2019 22:15:47    2252818


Replying To fredflint:  "Or maybe Gaels should follow these "national" rules like everyone else?"
The CB sent out the rules of the competition before the U20 championship started. Its in black and white. If every club did what the Gaels did and made up their own rules where would we be. Lavey could have played some of their strong 16 yr olds but didnt .At Senior level the clubs cant play 17 yr olds and thats the ruling plus they would nt have insurance.That 16 yr old for the Gaels would he have been insured. Doubtful. Knockbride are waitng in the long grass.

Allrevvedup (Cavan) - Posts: 40 - 03/12/2019 00:00:06    2252841


Replying To fredflint:  "The rules came from croke park. Individual clubs cannot just decide to ignore them. If certain clubs harvested the resources they had properly they would not need to field illegal players."
If certain clubs did the same, they wouldn't have to amalgamate ! There's not much support for the individual club at this level. Half the squads in Division 1 and 2 are amalgamations. It's no secret that almost all the standalone clubs have had trouble fielding squads as other posters have mentioned above and this rule is at the root of it.

Quod est Demonstradum !

Jampot (Cavan) - Posts: 76 - 03/12/2019 22:38:59    2253073


Replying To Jampot:  "If certain clubs did the same, they wouldn't have to amalgamate ! There's not much support for the individual club at this level. Half the squads in Division 1 and 2 are amalgamations. It's no secret that almost all the standalone clubs have had trouble fielding squads as other posters have mentioned above and this rule is at the root of it.

Quod est Demonstradum !"
I agree, certain clubs should do the same and stop amalgamating. They need to do more work with what is available to them, amalgamation is the easy way out.

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 04/12/2019 11:30:35    2253138
