Cavan Forum

Paddy Tally For Cavan

(Oldest Posts First)

Cavan are at a crossroads. Make no mistake about it, the county board is about the make the biggest decision in a generation. Make the wrong decision and we squander a golden generation. Im fed up listening to names of managers who havent had experience of being inside squads that have being both successful and exposed to the highest level. The man to take the reigns in Paddy Tally. He was the trainer of Tyrone in 03 and 05. Tyrone players of them years havent a bad word to say about him. What he done to St Marys in Sigerson is nothing short of miraculous. And look at the Galway. Last year they were considered outsiders, this year with Paddy on board, they have a very structured and effective style of play. Something we have been missing for a long time. We need a man who will inspire the players within the squad and outside the squad to unite behind the cause. We are deluding ourselves thinking we are going to tempt lads like Horan and McGuinness from there cushy numbers in the Sky studio. Forgot about deadlines for looking for a manager. Get the right man.

waynerooney11 (Cavan) - Posts: 142 - 23/07/2018 09:51:13    2125003


Replying To waynerooney11:  "Cavan are at a crossroads. Make no mistake about it, the county board is about the make the biggest decision in a generation. Make the wrong decision and we squander a golden generation. Im fed up listening to names of managers who havent had experience of being inside squads that have being both successful and exposed to the highest level. The man to take the reigns in Paddy Tally. He was the trainer of Tyrone in 03 and 05. Tyrone players of them years havent a bad word to say about him. What he done to St Marys in Sigerson is nothing short of miraculous. And look at the Galway. Last year they were considered outsiders, this year with Paddy on board, they have a very structured and effective style of play. Something we have been missing for a long time. We need a man who will inspire the players within the squad and outside the squad to unite behind the cause. We are deluding ourselves thinking we are going to tempt lads like Horan and McGuinness from there cushy numbers in the Sky studio. Forgot about deadlines for looking for a manager. Get the right man."
Why would he want to take the Cavan job?

ballygowanwater (Cavan) - Posts: 207 - 23/07/2018 12:51:15    2125141


Waynerooney11, if you are really 'fed up listening to names of managers who havent had experience' then why are you promoting Paddy Tally? He has no managerial experience either. He's a defensive coach. Do you not think we have that angle very well covered in Cavan?

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 23/07/2018 19:25:38    2125369


Replying To ondforty:  "Waynerooney11, if you are really 'fed up listening to names of managers who havent had experience' then why are you promoting Paddy Tally? He has no managerial experience either. He's a defensive coach. Do you not think we have that angle very well covered in Cavan?"
Oh yes our famous defensive system. The same defensive system that made us look like we were playing with 14 forwards v donegal. We need steel in defence. We are coming out of one of the worst division 2 in recent years. We need to get the balance right. What do we want, Jason reillys to come in with the unbelievable job he is doing with the gaels. The championship is a coronation process in this county. Jason would have achieved little more that mattie achieved with scotstown. Galway are a defensive team and they are still one of the highest scoring teams in the country. Every team plays a defensive system. 15 v 15 is gone. Tally is the man. Same man was coach of down in 2010. We are doomed for mediocrity if we go for a club manager. The step-up is massive. We are playing division 1 next year. Go do your research of what Tyrone players have to say about him and maybe watch galway. 12 of the same galway team we beat comfortably in the park 2 years ago. They have kicked on, why can't we.

waynerooney11 (Cavan) - Posts: 142 - 23/07/2018 23:10:29    2125493


Replying To waynerooney11:  "Oh yes our famous defensive system. The same defensive system that made us look like we were playing with 14 forwards v donegal. We need steel in defence. We are coming out of one of the worst division 2 in recent years. We need to get the balance right. What do we want, Jason reillys to come in with the unbelievable job he is doing with the gaels. The championship is a coronation process in this county. Jason would have achieved little more that mattie achieved with scotstown. Galway are a defensive team and they are still one of the highest scoring teams in the country. Every team plays a defensive system. 15 v 15 is gone. Tally is the man. Same man was coach of down in 2010. We are doomed for mediocrity if we go for a club manager. The step-up is massive. We are playing division 1 next year. Go do your research of what Tyrone players have to say about him and maybe watch galway. 12 of the same galway team we beat comfortably in the park 2 years ago. They have kicked on, why can't we."
Excellent post Waynerooney, you are spot on about Paddy tally and the job he has done with Galway and what he had done with Tyrone and down before, and Jason would be coming in with probably less experience than Mattie, cavan co board need to do this right bite the bullet and at all costs get the right man.

blueman1903 (Cavan) - Posts: 885 - 24/07/2018 10:05:18    2125568


Ok, so you'd like Paddy Tally as our new Coach. Who would you like as Manager, Kevin Walsh? So how many Kevin Walsh's, i.e. proven managers, are there out there who are available and might be convinced to take us on?

This is the problem. Demand is high and supply is low. In the Sales world this means high cost. We need to get real here. Cavan is not a very attractive team for any of the really top class managers to take on right now and even if we wanted to appoint a really high profile candidate, do we have the financial strength to make it happen?

I see two choices, a local Cavan Manager or another Val Andrews type manager with real success at for example Sigerson behind him.

I agree with your comparison between Mattie and Jason, that's a very good observation. So our local Cavan Manager should be someone who has improved an unsuccessful club, not a finished article like the Gaels or Scotstown, to win a championship and get a run through the club provincial championship. We only have a few of them who either achieved that or came close, Micky Graham, Ciaran Brady, Declan McCabe seem the best of them to me. This is not an easy task for the CB.

ondforty (Cavan) - Posts: 461 - 24/07/2018 10:28:40    2125573


Everyone still avoiding the question, why would any of the aforementioned want to take the job?
If its purely down for financial gain we are already on a loser. They'll cash in and onto the next.

ballygowanwater (Cavan) - Posts: 207 - 24/07/2018 15:15:32    2125749


The more I think about it I think this would be a very good move for us.
Hannon said in the celt last week that it is essential this new sub committee do their homework on the new man. Ie talk to past players. There was no homework done on McGlennan as it seems Colin McAree was the brains behind the operation . As wayne rooney has mentioned Tally is one of the highest regarded coaches around and a lot of Tyrone people say they weren't as good a team after he left in 05. He has had success everywhere he has been. Winning a siggerson with St Marys was a miracle. This year he has Galway as serious all Ireland contenders. The record speaks for itself.
People keep saying why would he want to come to us? - why would he not more like? We are a division one team with a team filled with underage winners who are now at their peak. We are also closer to home for him. I keep saying Cavan are one smart shrewd tactician away from being where we want to be. There is no one around who is as astute as Paddy Tally. This sub committee should make him the number one target.

blueskies (Cavan) - Posts: 194 - 24/07/2018 20:05:32    2125869


In fairness it's am interesting idea. Would he want to be manager or does he see himself as a coach I wonder

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 24/07/2018 20:43:22    2125887


Replying To fredflint:  "In fairness it's am interesting idea. Would he want to be manager or does he see himself as a coach I wonder"
Have you checked out Mattie McGleenans CV along with Lorcan Martin's they would be hard to match not one in Cavan could come within an asses road of their CV's.
I would not listen to M Hannon to be honest with you by the way there was a sub committee set up for the replacement of the previous manager.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 24/07/2018 21:18:52    2125902


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Have you checked out Mattie McGleenans CV along with Lorcan Martin's they would be hard to match not one in Cavan could come within an asses road of their CV's.
I would not listen to M Hannon to be honest with you by the way there was a sub committee set up for the replacement of the previous manager."
What has your reply to me got to do with what I wrote?

fredflint (Cavan) - Posts: 1485 - 24/07/2018 23:18:31    2125956


Replying To fredflint:  "In fairness it's am interesting idea. Would he want to be manager or does he see himself as a coach I wonder"
He had a very successful set up from coach to manager at St Marys. Im fully aware some might not say that is the same as inter-county but if you look at some of the teams he beat the year they won Sigerson, its every bit as good.

In my opinion, managers who surround themselves with lots of coaches are not what Cavan want. We want someone who will put their stamp on this Cavan team. That involves running training sessions and establishing a defined style of play. And yes, I would have him as manager.

Looks at last year in the big games when they went down to the crunch. Our S & C was lacking big time. Tally will not let this happen. Some of players only want to join the squad when the league starts. With the way football has gone, too often we bring the ball into contact and are over turned. We need to commit to something radical.

waynerooney11 (Cavan) - Posts: 142 - 25/07/2018 09:15:49    2125994


Replying To The Quiet Man:  "Have you checked out Mattie McGleenans CV along with Lorcan Martin's they would be hard to match not one in Cavan could come within an asses road of their CV's.
I would not listen to M Hannon to be honest with you by the way there was a sub committee set up for the replacement of the previous manager."
Please tell us what is on their CV's that impresses you so much. I'm interested because I know little about the achievements of either man, so please, over to you, please tell us.

I happen to think Hannon is very articulate and is actually worth reading in the Celt each week.

Cavan_Shambles (Cavan) - Posts: 575 - 25/07/2018 13:38:03    2126091


Replying To Cavan_Shambles:  "Please tell us what is on their CV's that impresses you so much. I'm interested because I know little about the achievements of either man, so please, over to you, please tell us.

I happen to think Hannon is very articulate and is actually worth reading in the Celt each week."
I am sure if you find time to look into both individuals records you would be very surprised I am sure it's not for me to make it public but it's impressive.

The Quiet Man (Cavan) - Posts: 4601 - 25/07/2018 19:38:25    2126228


Rumor has it we might have an Armagh man topping the list. Seems decisions will be made before the 20th August and maybe as soon as next week.

cavanexile11 (Dublin) - Posts: 25 - 08/08/2018 22:11:06    2131037


It seems aidan O Rourke is very keen on the job. I remember he was at louth and didn't do much so Im really not convinced. I would rather take a chance on Jayo or Peter. I do believe Paddy Tally deserves to be approached.

blueskies (Cavan) - Posts: 194 - 08/08/2018 22:42:47    2131063


Replying To blueskies:  "It seems aidan O Rourke is very keen on the job. I remember he was at louth and didn't do much so Im really not convinced. I would rather take a chance on Jayo or Peter. I do believe Paddy Tally deserves to be approached."
Why do you think he deserves to be approached? His managerial experience?

ballygowanwater (Cavan) - Posts: 207 - 09/08/2018 08:36:39    2131111
